
UK city the place dad and mom ‘will not let children out’ as after darkish takes a ‘sinister flip’

A UK tourist town has an underbelly so seedy, parents won’t take their children out after dark.

While the seaside town of Scarborough can still pull a crowd, both locals and visitors have concerns over the place once night falls. Alcohol, begging and homelessness blight the North Yorkshire town, while crime rates are 34% higher than Yorkshire and The Humber, and 74% higher than the overall figure for England, Wales and Northern Ireland, reports The Express.

Police in the area say they are doing what they can to tackle town centre crime – including a street drinking ban, but folks remain weary of the town taking a sinister turn after dark.

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The seaside town has a seedy underbelly, according to locals (stock)

They say alcohol misuse, begging and homelessness are huge issues that added to the threatening atmosphere. Louis Stringer, 37, works at Mick Grime Shellfish on the seafront. He has a partner and kids who live in the town, but says he wouldn’t let his teens venture to the town centre at night.

He said: “Scarborough used to be a nice, thriving town but now crime is going up. Knife crime has gone up.

Guy Smith, 53, from Scarborough
Folk say the drinking is worse in the town centre

“I wouldn’t feel comfortable with my teenagers going out in the town centre at night because of the crime rate.”

Residents also said a lack of social housing and shoplifting added to the seaside town’s woes.

Business owner Jonathan Thompson said: “Scarborough is the end of the line – you have to come to Scarborough, you’re not passing through. A lot of people who end up here are in a bad way.

Louis Stringer, 37 from Scarborough
Louis wouldn’t let his teenage kids out at night

“There is more drinking in the town centre but the rest of Scarborough is quite good.

A North Yorkshire Police spokesperson said: “North Yorkshire Police works collaboratively with North Yorkshire Council in Scarborough town to combat crime and disorder and to make it a safe space for residents, businesses and visitors alike.

“The night-time economy is well-managed by licensed premises thanks to the collective efforts of Licensing departments within both the police and council working alongside the Scarborough Neighbourhood Policing Team.”

Grand Hotel in Scarborough
The Grand Hotel in Scarborough is notoriously bad

North Yorkshire council has been contacted for comment.

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