
Sunak confirmed ‘air of confience’ whereas Starmer ‘dressed like PM’ whereas voting

The Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has voted, as has the potential future Prime Minister.

Both Sunak, Keir Starmer and even Nigel Farage all headed to the polls to vast their votes for the next leader of the United Kingdom. And according to body language expert Judi James, on behalf of Paddy Power Casino, the two biggest party leaders both appeared confidence . . . but only one was already looking like Prime Minister.

Here we give you her full analysis of what she thought those two, and the Reform UK leader, were acting like while voting.

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Rishi Sunak

“This last-chance ritual for the leaders to affect votes saw Sunak adopting a non-verbal air of breezy stubbornness while hinting he’s a man who will stick to his guns by wearing the same casual zip-up jumper/shirt combo he’s been rocking throughout the past few weeks, albeit in yet another shade to imply he’s a prudent and decisive guy who likes to buy in bulk.

“He also adopted a bouncing, eager-looking walk as he went with his wife to cast his vote. Sunak seemed to like to suggest he’s still a man of dominance and authority by walking slightly ahead of his wife with his hand placed firmly on top in the clasp, with the back of the hand facing front to suggest he was in protective mode here.

“Their clasp looked natural and symmetric enough to suggest it’s part of their normal repertoire as a loving couple rather than any grim display for the cameras and, despite the feeling of Armageddon swirling around Sunak, both their sets of fingers were curled upward in a display of mutual affection, but without any signs of rigidity or tension that would hint at inner anxiety.

Could he be on his way out?
Could he be on his way out?

“The rigidity and tension came from both their mouth smiles though, which looked incongruent and as though they required effort, suggesting performed bravado rather than any authentic happiness.

“Akshata’s smile was a horizontal rictus with a display of upper teeth while Rishi’s mouth was pulled upward but with some curling down at the corners as though he was battling between a social smile and a mask of misery, while one deep furrow etched between his brows was a signal of concern. The still-PM performed some micro head-nods of greeting to the cameras as they walked past and threw one brief wave but with no stopping to pose in any gesture of assumed victory.

“Emerging after their vote it was a more deflated-looking Rishi, walking with shoulders slumped as though it might have hit him that this could be his last act as PM. It was Akshata in the lead now and it was she who held her right hand out towards her dejected-looking husband to instigate a hand clasp that now looked like a message of support and reassurance from her to him.

Nigel Farage

“Farage went for the full seaside experience on polling day, wearing a double-breasted metal buttoned blue blazer and beige slacks combo that looked straight out of the Alan Partridge style guide. Bucking the usual trend for political leaders he wandered solo through Clacton with a phone clamped to his head and a wide, relaxed, celebratory smile on his face. He ate an ice-cream at one point but without the comedy-caper results of a Lib Dem photo-call.

Farage was giving a message of 'chutzpah'
Farage was giving a message of ‘chutzpah’

“There was a hidden political message in the ice-cream eating in terms of signals of charisma and confidence. Ice creams have notoriously brought party greats to their knees during photo opportunities. Tony Blair handed a cornet to Gordon Brown during one press stunt, knowing full well that this awkward-looking man would never be able to navigate it with any shred of dignity or aplomb. Joe Biden has a history of fighting battles against ice cream cones and losing and Nicola Sturgeon almost had her nostril impaled on the flake of her 99 once.

“So, Farage’s blatant pose eating ice cream straight to camera is a political message of chutzpah and a reminder that he is the leader who can come across as a normal bloke. Farage’s other prop was a cute dog that he picked up to pose with at the polling station. This taps into the ‘dogs at polling stations’ theme that trends on social media, showing he can again tune into the national psyche while avoiding all the obvious cheesiness of strolling hand in hand with his wife, but as he showed in his party-political video, using a dog as a prop also defines you as ‘normal’ and more likeable in the UK.”

Keir Starmer

“Starmer made an emphatic and unequivocal visual statement of assumption by going to vote looking ‘oven-ready’ for power. He dressed as a PM and he adopted the body language of a leader, in contrast to Sunak’s ‘Just popped off to the shops’, more casual approach. Starmer’s posture and facial expression made him look already pumped with the serotonin of a win. It was a victory display before the votes had even been cast, let alone counted.

He was dressed 'like a Prime Minister'
He was dressed ‘like a Prime Minister’

“His dark suit, crisp white shirt and red tie were tailor-made for the steps of No10. His shoulders and his chest were splayed in a gesture of alpha power and his free hand was curled into a fist of determination and resolve as he appeared to be gazing out at a wider audience than the small crowd that had gathered near his polling station.

“Starmer also registered power by keeping his head up and his gaze above the level of the cameras in a trick guaranteed to make him look statesmanlike. He affected a rigid smile but, unlike Sunak’s bravado-based rictus that looked created by effort, Starmer’s effort seemed to be invested in keeping his smile in check and not looking too smug.”

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