
Girlfriend dumped for refusing threesome turned up with a knife

  •  Lauren Adamson, 30, of Aylesbury, was handed a 13-month prison sentence
  •  After refusing a ‘couple exchange’, Adamson was rejected by Tyler Seymour
  •  She sent him threatening messages and waited outside his home with a knife

A lovelorn woman rejected by her partner after she refused to take part in a threesome became his stalker and threatened to kill him with a knife, a court heard this week.

On Saturday, Lauren Adamson was starting a jail sentence in a women’s prison after admitting stalking Tyler Seymour and threatening to kill him for ending their relationship.

A judge who described the case as ‘difficult,’ signalled the seriousness of Adamson, 30, of Elmhurst Road, Aylesbury, turning up at Mr Seymour’s home with a knife by sentencing her to 13 months in prison and issuing a restraining order against her.

At Aylesbury Crown Court, a prosecutor said that Adamson met Mr Seymour through a dating site and they began a casual and consensual sexual relationship.

However, the court heard Mr Seymour had the impression Adamson wanted more than a casual relationship.

Lauren Adamson, 30, of Aylesbury, has been handed a 13-month prison sentence after pleading guilty to stalking her ex-partner, Tyler Seymour and threatening to kill him with a knife

Lauren Adamson, 30, of Aylesbury, has been handed a 13-month prison sentence after pleading guilty to stalking her ex-partner, Tyler Seymour and threatening to kill him with a knife

The dark-haired woman has a previous conviction for similar stalking, which was included in a list of five previous offences read to the court.

Adamson had refused a proposal from Mr Seymour to take part in a ‘couple exchange’ and was verbally abusive to him. 

However, she discovered that Mr Seymour went on to have sex with the other woman at a later date.

The judge was told that Adamson was the first person the complainant had seen romantically since his partner had died.

Prosecutor Victoria Forbes said that the defendant went on to stalk Mr Seymour – even having police incorrectly turn up at his door and sending messages to him via social media and different phone numbers.

The court heard that Mr Seymour called Adamson a loser. She responded by saying: ‘I’m not a loser, words don’t kill, I know you won’t forget what I said.’

Ms Forbes said that messages began to reference places Mr Seymour was visiting and the people he was seeing.

A message from Adamson to him, sent on April 8, said: ‘I know where you live, I know your workplace and address, I’m going to come to kill you.’

Mr Seymour reported the threats to the police and Adamson was arrested and released on bail with a condition not to contact the complainant.

However, on May 2, while still on bail, the defendant breached her bail conditions by appearing outside Mr Seymour’s home in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, clutching the right-hand pocket of her jacket. 

When she was arrested, police found a knife in the jacket pocket.

Ms Forbes went on to say that when the Mr Seymour opened the door, Adamson told him: ‘I’m going to kill you.’

Adamson was also given a restraining order against her for five years regarding Mr Seymour at Aylesbury Crown Court this week

Adamson was also given a restraining order against her for five years regarding Mr Seymour at Aylesbury Crown Court this week

She said that the defendant slid a note under the complainant’s door. It read: ‘I miss you, let’s be adults about this.

‘I know you want me, that’s why I started stalking you. Don’t make me kill you, because I will miss you. Don’t make me kill you.’

Adamson, who appeared via a video link from HMP Bronzefield in Surrey, called the police shortly after to tell them she had breached her bail conditions. She was subsequently re-arrested.

A victim impact statement from Mr Seymour was read in court. It said: ‘I didn’t care that she made the threat but the day after I became a lot more nervous and anxious.’

Ms Forbes said: ‘There was an intention to maximise fear and distress and the behaviour was persistent.’

Neil Jarvis, defence counsel for Adamson, said the case was ‘troubling in many respects’ and his client had ‘lost it.’ 

He also expressed his sadness regarding the case.

Judge Alan Blake said: ‘This is a difficult case. I recognise that this was a short relationship and when it came to an end you found it very difficult to deal with.

‘It is plain from the psychiatric report that you are somebody who has great difficulty in dealing with rejection and you have suffered with your mental health – rising from mostly likely, your ADHD, since you were young.’

Judge Blake said this was the ‘perfect storm’ due to Adamson’s father disowning her, her alcohol problems and her work being moved onto a zero hours contract.

He added: ‘It remains a serious offence to stalk someone at the end of a relationship.’

Judge Blake noted the progress Adamson had made, but felt there was no option but to impose a custodial sentence.

Adamson pleaded guilty to stalking involving serious alarm or distress, one count of possessing a knife in a public place and one count of threatening to kill, and was handed a 13-month sentence.

A restraining order was imposed on her for five years regarding Mr Seymour.