
Moment British soldier was stabbed captured on doorbell digicam

Horrifying doorbell footage captured the moment a woman screamed as a British soldier was stabbed up to 12 times with a 10inch knife in broad daylight during an attack lasting 20 seconds that police are not treating as an act of terror.

The victim, in his 40s, was attacked shortly before 6pm on Tuesday evening around 200 yards from Brompton Barracks in Gillingham, Kent. Witnesses say he was assaulted by a moped-riding man in a ski mask and a NASA bomber jacket.

Ring doorbell footage from local resident Alex Reynolds captures a woman screaming hysterically, shouting ‘what the f*** are you doing?’, ‘F****** hell’ and ‘Somebody call 999’ as concerned neighbours could only watch on.

Police are understood not to be treating the incident as terror related, saying today that they are ‘exploring the possibility it may be mental health-related’. Eyewitnesses said he appeared to be focused on ‘attacking a British soldier’.

The attacker was reportedly armed with two 10inch kitchen knives and stabbed the man repeatedly in an attack lasting 20 seconds – the quiet evening air filled with ‘blood-curdling screams’ during the savage assault.

The soldier then attempted to stagger back to his house despite his injuries as the assailant continued to carry out a second attack. He was only stopped when the soldier’s wife intervened; she was not harmed as she begged for help.

Police arrested a 24-year-old local man within half an hour and a ‘number of knives’ were seized as the soldier was airlifted to hospital.

Did you see what happened or do you know who was involved? Email [email protected] 

Doorbell footage captured the screams of a woman who witnessed the stabbing of a soldier in Gillingham last night

Doorbell footage captured the screams of a woman who witnessed the stabbing of a soldier in Gillingham last night

Local resident Alex Reynolds described the sounds as 'piercing shrieks', adding that the man who was attacked was in a 'cream camouflage' uniform

Local resident Alex Reynolds described the sounds as ‘piercing shrieks’, adding that the man who was attacked was in a ‘cream camouflage’ uniform

Police remain on the scene this morning (pictured) following the savage attack on a British serviceman

A photo appearing to show the alleged perpetrator of last night's attack shows a man next to a red moped while wearing a ski mask and a NASA bomber jacket

A photo appearing to show the alleged perpetrator of last night’s attack shows a man next to a red moped while wearing a ski mask and a NASA bomber jacket

A man in uniform stands at the cordon in Gillingham this morning. Witnesses say the victim was in military dress when he was attacked

A man in uniform stands at the cordon in Gillingham this morning. Witnesses say the victim was in military dress when he was attacked

Behind the police cordon on Sally Port Gardens medical gear could be seen lying on the floor after emergency services rushed to the scene

Behind the police cordon on Sally Port Gardens medical gear could be seen lying on the floor after emergency services rushed to the scene

A police officer wearing white forensics overalls kneels next to a helmet and a moped after the stabbing

A police officer wearing white forensics overalls kneels next to a helmet and a moped after the stabbing

The incident took place in Sally Port Gardens, close to Brompton Barracks in Gillingham

The incident took place in Sally Port Gardens, close to Brompton Barracks in Gillingham

Prime minister Sir Keir Starmer said he was 'shocked and appalled' by the incident and wished the soldier a swift recovery

Prime minister Sir Keir Starmer said he was ‘shocked and appalled’ by the incident and wished the soldier a swift recovery

An aerial view of Sally Port Gardens in Gillingham where the attack unfolded shortly before 6pm on Tuesday night

An aerial view of Sally Port Gardens in Gillingham where the attack unfolded shortly before 6pm on Tuesday night

Did you see what happened? Email [email protected] 

Acting Chief Superintendent Richard Woolley of Kent Police said: ‘This was an upsetting incident for all concerned and our best wishes go to the victim, his family and those who witnessed the incident.

‘Residents will experience an increased police presence in the Gillingham area and I would like to reassure everyone that officers responded quickly to take a man into custody and we do not currently believe anyone else was involved.

‘The motivation for the attack is currently unknown and forms part of our ongoing enquiries, although we are exploring the possibility that it may be mental health-related. We are also investigating any possible links between the location and the suspect.

‘There is no further information at this time to suggest there are any wider threats to the local community including members of the armed forces.’

Police have arrested a 24-year-old man, described as a ‘local’, on suspicion of attempted murder. Ministry of Defence sources say it is too soon to deduce any motivating factors behind the attack.

However, the attack has echoes of the 2013 murder of Fusilier Lee Rigby, who was stabbed to death by two Islamist jihadi terrorists as he left his barracks in south London.

Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale were arrested and later found guilty of Rigby’s murder.

Horrified onlookers had been alerted to the attack after hearing screams on Sally Port Gardens, a quiet residential street that is believed to be home to some military families. 

Witnesses to the Gillingham attack say the knifeman held up one of the bloodied weapons and licked it in front of terrified locals who had rushed out of their homes to help the serviceman. 

Neighbour Alex Reynolds, 38, who works as a commodities analyst, said: ‘We had my father in the house and we heard the screaming.

‘At first, we thought it was a scuffle in the street. But you could then hear the piercing shrieks of the voices and you realise that it was something much more.

‘Seconds later I walked out into the road and I can see 10 people around a body which wasn’t moving.

‘The victim was wearing military uniform as many people around here do.’ He later added the uniform was ‘cream camouflage’ in colour.

It was Mr Reynold’s Ring doorbell that captured the screams of a woman yelling during the attack.

He added: ‘I spoke to someone who worked with him and he said he always walked out at that time of the night.

‘His wife was running around screaming asking for help. She seemed in good health considering the situation – she seemed fit enough to ask people for help.

‘She was directing traffic onto the pavement to get to her husband.’

A woman who lives nearby told today how she saw the ‘dead-eyed’ attacker riding slowly away moments after stabbing a soldier.

The shaken eye-witness, who declined to be named, said: ‘There was a lot of car horns and men shouting. At first I thought there’d been some sort of accident or road-rage incident.

‘But then I heard a woman screaming “no, no, no, stop”. That’s when I knew something more serious had happened.

‘I looked over to where the commotion was and I saw the woman running somewhere. Shortly afterwards a man rode down the road slowly past me on a motorbike. He had a crash helmet on but I could see his face.

‘He had a calm, glazed, dead-behind-the eyes look. He wasn’t sweating, didn’t look worried and wasn’t rushing, it seemed to me.’

‘Another woman who saw what happened called the police and I heard her saying, “He’s just stabbed a man and his riding off, you need to get here straight away.”

‘I saw the wife of the victim again and she was asking the doctors on the corner for first aid equipment. She told them her husband had just been stabbed.

‘A military patrol vehicle was on the scene almost immediately and police and ambulance were here a moment of two later.

‘This has shocked us all, It’s horrible and frightening to think something like this could happen in the area.’

A cordon remains in place following the broad daylight attack
Officers on patrol in Gillingham earlier this morning

A cordon and visible police presence remains in place following the broad daylight attack, which involved a serving British soldier

The scene of the incident (bottom right) sits just south of the Royal School of Military Engineering compound (at the top left of the image)

The scene of the incident (bottom right) sits just south of the Royal School of Military Engineering compound (at the top left of the image)

A man wearing Army uniform talks on the phone next to the police cordon in Gillingham on Tuesday evening

A man wearing Army uniform talks on the phone next to the police cordon in Gillingham on Tuesday evening

Police officers behind the cordon in Gillingham, Kent this morning after the incident

Police officers behind the cordon in Gillingham, Kent this morning after the incident

Kent Police officers on patrol in Gillingham today. The force says it will maintain a large presence in the area following the attack

Kent Police officers on patrol in Gillingham today. The force says it will maintain a large presence in the area following the attack

Jessica Turner, a 53-year-old primary school teacher, said Brompton Barracks had been put into lockdown. Unverified social media footage has been shared of a PA announcement ordering soldiers to stay indoors. 

Ms Turner told the Telegraph her neighbour, a serviceman, had warned her husband to lock their doors and stay inside, adding: ‘It’s terrible, you have young families around.

‘It looked like he was attacked just outside his home. What chance would he have had?’

A woman who lives near the scene of an attack on a soldier in Kent said she heard the victim’s wife ask for medical assistance.

The witness, who lives near a medical centre nearby, said she heard a woman say: ‘My husband has been stabbed – is there a first aider?’

She said she initially thought the commotion was to do with a traffic incident before she heard a woman ‘who was hysterical’ screaming: ‘No!’

She said she also saw a man driving away on a motorbike.

A witness told KentOnline: ‘The attacker was going for him and stabbed him about 12 times.

‘This was with two kitchen knives, about nine to 10 inches long, and there were about seven of us there who witnessed it.’

Another said the victim had ‘wounds all over his body’, claiming: ‘Blood was everywhere as I tried to apply pressure to his wounds until the police arrived.

‘The guy was looking for a soldier to attack. When the guy’s wife came out and started trying to pull the guy off he didn’t even try to hurt her. He only had his sights set on hurting a British soldier,’ he added to The Sun.

Another told the Mirror the soldier had suffered grievous facial injuries as the attacker then rode off on the moped. Police were seen examining a moped and bike helmet in Mooring Road, Rochester – 10 minutes’ drive from the scene of the attack.

The incident, 200 yards from the Royal School of Military Engineering, has shaken local residents despite the constant military presence in the area.

Resident Lauren Alsey said it was ‘gutting’ about the attack on the army officer which happened when it was ‘still light’.

Ms Alsey, 40, said: ‘moving here, we are not a military background, but this is MOD land. We get three security patrols a day, even Christmas Day.’

One woman living near the scene said she was sitting down to dinner with her family when they heard a ‘huge scream’.

As they got to the window, she saw the attacker giving a final stab wound to a victim who was on the floor. She could not see if the person was wearing a military uniform.

‘It’s very, very scary’, she said.

Brompton Barracks (above) in Gillingham is home to the Royal School of Military Engineering

Brompton Barracks (above) in Gillingham is home to the Royal School of Military Engineering

Several vehicles remain behind the cordon today as police continue their investigation

Several vehicles remain behind the cordon today as police continue their investigation

Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer said he was ‘shocked and appalled’ by the attack.

He wrote on X: ‘I am shocked and appalled by the news that a soldier has been attacked in Kent. All our thoughts are with the soldier, his family and our Armed Forces community, who serve to keep all of us safe. I wish him a swift recovery.’ 

Home secretary Yvette Cooper said she was receiving updates from Kent Police, which said this morning that a man remains in custody.

Chief of General Staff, General Sir Roly Walker, has said he is ‘deeply saddened’ by the ‘horrific’ and ‘unprovoked’ assault while shadow home secretary James Cleverly expressed his gratitude to police for their ‘swift action (in) arresting the suspect’.

Photos of the alleged attacker appear to show him stood next to a red moped while wearing a ski mask and a bomber jacket with the NASA logo on it.

A witness told The Sun that the solder, who is in a serious condition in hospital, received injuries to his face and the rest of his body during the frenzied attack.

Photos posted on social media show a heavy emergency services presence, with police vehicles and officers in forensics gear working behind a cordon.

The town of Gillingham sits in the borough of Medway in Kent and its ties with the Royal Engineers are well-known.

Cllr Vince Maple, leader of Medway Council, said: ‘Our thoughts are with the individual involved and his family at this time. Our Armed Forces personnel and their families are a valued part of our Medway community. 

‘It is good to see increased patrols at this time by Kent Police for community reassurance. I would encourage anyone who has information that may assist the police with their enquiries to please come forward.’ 

An aerial view of the scene in Gillingham today as police maintain a visible presence

An aerial view of the scene in Gillingham today as police maintain a visible presence

Police officers and paramedics stand in the road next to a police vehicle following the serious assault

Police officers and paramedics stand in the road next to a police vehicle following the serious assault

A police forensics investigation van sits on the pavement close to the cordon following the attack

A police forensics investigation van sits on the pavement close to the cordon following the attack

A police car sits parked in the middle of the road beyond a police cordon in Sally Port Gardens on Tuesday evening

A police car sits parked in the middle of the road beyond a police cordon in Sally Port Gardens on Tuesday evening

An air ambulance was seen landing in Great Lines Heritage Park, which lies next to the scene of the incident.

Brompton Barracks is the home of the Royal School of Military Engineering Regiment. Many of its soldiers live adjacent to the base in army families accommodation.

Soldiers at the Army base were understood to have been forbidden from leaving until police ensured there was no further threat to personnel.

In a statement released last night following the incident in Gillingham an Army spokesperson said: ‘We’re very sorry to confirm that a soldier has sustained serious injuries in an attack in Chatham, Kent.

‘Our thoughts are with the soldier and their family and we request that their privacy is respected at this difficult time.

‘We will continue to work closely with Kent Police to understand what happened and support the investigation. Anyone who witnessed the attack or who has any relevant information should contact Kent Police.’

Earlier a spokesperson for the Ministry of Defence said: ‘We are aware of an emerging incident in the Chatham area which may have involved a soldier.

‘As the circumstances are currently under investigation by Kent Police, we cannot comment further.’

A spokesperson for Kent Police said: ‘Kent Police was called at around 5.55pm on Tuesday 23 July 2024 to a report of a serious assault in Sally Port Gardens, Gillingham.

‘A man in his 40s suffered injuries consistent with stab wounds and was taken to hospital for treatment. His condition is currently described as serious.

‘Officers attended and at around 6.20pm they arrested a 24-year-old man on suspicion of attempted murder.

‘A cordon is currently in place around the scene of the incident and enquiries to establish the circumstances are ongoing.

‘Residents are advised to expect an ongoing police presence in the area.’

MailOnline has contacted South East Coast Ambulance Service for further information.

A police officer wearing white and blue forensics gear walks down Sally Port Gardens as Kent Police investigate the incident

A police officer wearing white and blue forensics gear walks down Sally Port Gardens as Kent Police investigate the incident

The incident took place in Sally Port Gardens (pictured), which lies less than 200 metres from Brompton Barracks

The incident took place in Sally Port Gardens (pictured), which lies less than 200 metres from Brompton Barracks

The incident has brought back horrific memories of the murder of Fusiliar Lee Rigby (pictured) who was killed by two Islamic terrorists. The motive for the attack in Gillingham has not yet been established

The incident has brought back horrific memories of the murder of Fusiliar Lee Rigby (pictured) who was killed by two Islamic terrorists. The motive for the attack in Gillingham has not yet been established

The attack brings back memories of the horrific murder of Fusilier Lee Rigby who was brutally hacked to death by two Islamic terrorists May 2013.

The father-of-one had been wearing a ‘Help for Heroes’ hoodie while walking in Woolwich off-duty when he was attacked by Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale.

The 25-year-old was first run over by a car at up to 40mph before Adebolajo and Adebowale slashed at him with knifes and a cleaver and attempted to behead him.

The immediate aftermath of the vile attack was caught on camera by bystanders, with Rigby’s attackers – both of whom had converted to Islam from Christianity -proudly claiming they were getting revenge for Muslims killed by the British Army.

The pair were subdued by armed police after they attempted to charge at officers with weapons.

Adebolajo would later be given a whole-life tariff for the murder while Adebowale would be given a minimum term of 45 years.