
‘If cops cannot hack it tonight, actual standing military have to be known as,’ says professional

A security expert has warned the Army will need to be called in if police “can’t handle” tonight’s anticipated riots.

The UK is bracing for a night of unrest this evening (August 7), with fears of riots springing up in towns and cities across the UK. Further protests loom off the back of days of unrest, sparked by the killing of three children at a Taylor Swift dance class in Southport.

Prime Minister Keir Starmer has set out to assure the nation that the police can manage any possible escalation, saying: “We will have the officers we need, where we need them.”

He said the country would have “a standing army of specialist public duty officers so that we will have enough officers to deal with this where we need them.”

Keir Starmer has said the police have the resources to deal with the unrest
Keir Starmer has said the police have the resources to deal with the unrest

But now, lifetime professor at the University of Buckingham, Anthony Glees, has issued a warning that if the police are unable to handle the events that may unfold tonight, the British Army may need to be called.

“If the cops can’t hack it tonight, the Army, the real standing army, will be needed,” he said.

He told the Daily Star: “Tonight is of course the make or break for the government’s current strategy. If there is widespread rioting and if the cops seem overwhelmed, I think the strategy will have to be re-engineered.

“[Met Police chief] Sir Mark Rowley has said rioters will be met by ‘overwhelming’ force from the cops but if there are more arson attacks tonight, the ‘softly softly’ approach will be seen to have failed.”

There are fears there could be more violence tonight
There are fears there could be more violence tonight

Marking the importance that things do not get out of hand, he added: “Today we need to ensure that law and order are restored. We can’t change any plan or policy until our streets are safe again. Delivering safety is Starmer’s supreme duty.”

Discussing exactly what the police policy planned to be used is, he added: “The term ‘standing army’ comes with quote marks attached – it’s a metaphor for an enhanced system of mutual aid that already exists, organised by the NPCC, the National police chiefs Council.

“Its aim is to allow cops in any one area to be reinforced by out-of-area cops if this should prove necessary. I would imagine this ‘army’ would have good intelligence resources, possibly with input from GCHQ in Cheltenham to monitor rioters’ movements via social media and even ringleaders’ mobile phones.”