
I spent £8,000 to eliminate my double chin – however was it price it?

As far as insecurities go, my double chin was top of the list. 

The stubborn flabby pocket of submental fat beneath my chin had become the focus of all my attention and I was determined to get rid of it.

I had experimented with fat-dissolving injections, sculpting radiofrequency treatments, a 17kg natural weight loss and non-surgical fat freezing – but none of these had proved particularly effective or permanent.

On my quest for more alternative methods, I came across Beverly Hills-based cosmetic surgeon Dr Aaron Rollins and his newly opened Elite Body Sculpture clinic on London‘s Harley Street.

The clinic’s patented treatment, created by Dr Rollins, is known as AirSculpt. Designed to permanently eliminate excess fat and tighten the skin, it’s body contouring without scalpels, stitches, needles or general anaesthesia.

Emma North (pictured) underwent an AirSculpt procedure at London's Elite Body Sculpture to get rid of the pocket of fat under her chin and achieve a more defined jawline

Emma North (pictured) underwent an AirSculpt procedure at London’s Elite Body Sculpture to get rid of the pocket of fat under her chin and achieve a more defined jawline 

The procedure is comparable to liposuction in that it removes fat permanently – but that, according to Dr Rollins, is where the similarities end. 

‘AirSculpt was invented to be the ‘anti-lipo’,’ he says. ‘Lipo is done using a large, sharp, cheese-grater-on-a-stick-style instrument. It scrapes out the fat and in the process, flesh like muscle and skin tissue can be injured. 

‘It’s brutal and doesn’t always provide the results or the skin-tightening effect patients are hoping for.’

Like any aesthetic procedure, AirSculpt doesn’t claim to be risk-free. Rare complications include fat embolisms, uneven results and numbness, but these risks are minimised thanks to its more refined technique.

‘With this procedure, fat is removed robotically, through a 2mm hole – the size of an average freckle,’ says Dr Rollins. 

‘We’re plucking one fat cell at a time, without affecting other areas. It’s like picking berries off a bush, instead of using a Weed Whacker.’

Another aspect that sets this treatment apart is its ability to tighten the skin. 

‘As well as removing fat, it also gives an incredible skin-tightening effect in exactly the same place,’ Dr Rollins explains. ‘With lipo, the skin isn’t tightened unless other treatments are used.’

With that, I was convinced and hastily booked myself in.

Emma before the AirSculpt treatment (top) and after (bottom). She paid £8,000 for her procedure, which was painless, and is delighted with the results

Emma before the AirSculpt treatment (top) and after (bottom). She paid £8,000 for her procedure, which was painless, and is delighted with the results 

My procedure day came quickly. After a thorough pre-assessment with the plastic surgeon who would be performing my treatment, Dr Omar Tillo, I was whisked through the gorgeous clinic to be marked up and numbed with local anaesthetic.

A few fairly painless injections later, Dr Tillo used a tiny skin punch to create three holes to act as entry points; one below my ears on either side of my jaw and just under my chin.

A slim cannula was then passed under the skin at each entry point. This probe tightens the skin and melts the fat cells before the AirSculpt device is inserted to suck them away.

It’s a peculiar feeling watching your own fat passing through a tube before your eyes but if you’re anything like me and have spent years trying to shift it, it’s also incredibly satisfying.

During the treatment I felt strong vibrations on my jawline but no pain. 

I was happily listening to my Beyoncé playlist and could take a breath of nitrous oxide when I felt the need to relax a little more but before I knew it Dr Tillo had finished. 

Emma before the AirSculpt treatment (left) and after (right). While Emma had some bruising in the immediate aftermath of the procedure, by day five it was completely gone

Emma before the AirSculpt treatment (left) and after (right). While Emma had some bruising in the immediate aftermath of the procedure, by day five it was completely gone

In just 30 minutes, it was over. No stitches, no antibiotics and no discomfort.

Sitting upright, I was fitted with a compression garment to minimise bruising and swelling and, after something to eat and drink, I was free to go home to rest. In total, I was in and out of the clinic in under three hours.

For a night or two I slept propped up with an extra pillow to minimise swelling and managed pain with paracetamol and ibuprofen but I won’t sugar-coat the reality – waking up to a bloodstained pillow was alarming, even if I had been warned. 

Unlike traditional liposuction, where drains are fitted to release excess fluid from the body, AirSculpt leaves the incision sites open and they heal to freckle-sized scars.

What took me by surprise was how straightforward my recovery was. I slept and ate well, and I kept my compression garment on,  I was also careful to keep my blood pressure steady and worked from home.

Two days later, I felt perfectly fine – although I was still swollen.  The minimal bruising I did have subsided by day five and I didn’t need any painkillers from then on.

Emma before the AirSculpt treatment (top) and after (bottom). Emma is pleased with the 'chiselled' effect that the procedure achieved

Emma before the AirSculpt treatment (top) and after (bottom). Emma is pleased with the ‘chiselled’ effect that the procedure achieved 

By week two, I could see my initial results and was blown away – a defined chin was slowly emerging.

I’m a year post-procedure now and I’m still shocked with how defined my jawline is. I look slimmer and my side profile is chiselled. 

My confidence has skyrocketed too – I just wish I’d had the treatment sooner rather than wasting time and money on other treatments.

There’s no getting around the fact that AirSculpt is an expensive treatment but for me it’s been totally and utterly worth it.

  • Prices for AirSculpt start from £8,000 for the chin; areas such as waist and flanks start from £18,000. (