
Three cops assaulted at Manchester Airport

 Three police officers have been assaulted at Manchester Airport after they were set upon while investigating an abandoned car. 

Greater Manchester Police were inspecting the car, which is uninsured, after it was left in an unauthorised space at the airport’s Terminal Two on Wednesday morning.

The officer were then attacked, injuring one female and two male police officers, before one of the alleged assailants was tasered. 

Three suspects, a man and two women, were then arrested. 

In a statement, Greater Manchester Police told the Manchester Evening News: ‘At around 7.15am, patrolling officers inspected an abandoned vehicle in an unauthorised space at Manchester Airport.

Greater Manchester Police were inspecting the car, which was uninsured, after it was left in an unauthorised space at Manchester Airport's Terminal Two (pictured)

Greater Manchester Police were inspecting the car, which was uninsured, after it was left in an unauthorised space at Manchester Airport’s Terminal Two (pictured)

‘While conducting enquiries – which found the vehicle was uninsured – officers were confronted by a man during which three of our unarmed officers were assaulted and left with injuries. 

‘A Taser was deployed, before three people – a man and two women – were taken to custody on suspicion of police assault. They have all been bailed pending further investigations. Enquiries are underway, including a review of body-worn video, CCTV, and other available footage.

‘Assaults on officers are unacceptable and we will not hesitate to take action should any criminal offences be found.’

The alleged assault occurred in the same terminal where shocking footage emerged last month which appeared to show an officer kicking and stamping on a man’s head as he lay on the ground. 

Another video taken during the initial altercation which preceded the officer kicking the man appears to show the three police officers approaching one of the young men as he used a ticket machine inside a carpark at the busy airport.

A brawl then erupts – with another man grabbing one of the officers and two fights breaking out with punches flying from both sides.

A woman who tries to hold one of the men back can be seen hitting the airport floor, while the two female officers are sent flying after both sustaining blows to their heads and faces.

The force has since launched an investigation into the incident and files have been passed onto the Crown Prosecution Service.