
‘Miracle’ hangover treatment can burn off 70% of energy from alcohol

A breakthrough new medication is meant to cure your hangover and burn all the calories from alcohol.

Scientists have dubbed the invention a “miracle drug,” which is meant to give drinkers a clear head the morning after. Officials are convinced it could be the end to hangovers once approved.

Named Myrkl, several researchers carried out a trial on 24 volunteers. They tested 13 males and 11 females to try out the effects.

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The group took two capsules every day or a placebo before they were exposed to alcohol. They were allowed a light meal and drank different amount of alcohol depending on their body weight.

hangover drug
The drug will curb hangovers the morning after a heavy night (stock)

“On the experimental day, they ingested a light breakfast and drank a moderate glass of spirit (0.3 g/kg body weight),” the study explained, according to LadBible.

“Breath alcohol tests and blood draws for determination of blood alcohol levels were performed for up to six hours. After crossover, the experiment was repeated in the following week. Areas under the curves were calculated to determine alcohol absorption rates.”

Myrkl’s formula, AB001, proved a resounding success and appeared to completely eradicate hangovers in the subjects who took the drug. It “resulted in a substantially reduced absorption of alcohol into the body.”

A press release detailed the positive results of the trial. “Myrkl is the first-ever product in history to demonstrate the breakdown of alcohol effectively (eliminating up to 70% of alcohol after 60 minutes), reducing common symptoms experienced after drinking alcohol.

hangover drug
The drug passed through clinical trials

“Not only does Myrkl break down alcohol into water and carbon dioxide before reaching the liver, but it also eliminates the calories associated with alcohol in the process.”

This medication appeared to be the first drug in history which showed that it also burned calories while breaking down the alcohol. They noted this only worked on the alcohol, and not the meals consumed in conjunction with the booze.

Frederic Fernandez, Head of Group at Myrkl, warned that the kebab at the end of the night would not be burnt with the drug consumption. “Alcoholic drinks are known for being notoriously high calorie, due to not only the sugar content in the alcohol, but also the other ingredients that are paired with it.

“Thankfully, our scientists have shown not only that AB001™, the active formulation in Myrkl, can leave you feeling refreshed the next day after a big night – but also that it burns the calories in the drinks consumed.

“This is huge news – and will be particularly welcomed by those who will be heading to parties over the forthcoming festive season, and want to avoid developing a beer belly, or setting themselves back in terms of their health and fitness goals.”

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