
England star retires from Three Lions obligation hours earlier than Lee Carsley names squad

Kieran Trippier has retired from international duty just hours before Lee Carsley’s first England squad.

Trippier, 33, announced his decision on social media. He said, on Instagram: “I never thought as a young lad from Bury that I would play for my country let alone achieve 54 caps. It’s been one of the biggest honours of my life to represent my country at 4 major tournaments.

“I want to say a big thank you to Gareth and all the staff that have worked with the England squad for the trust they have placed in me throughout the years.

“Thank you to all my team mates – we have had some very special moments reaching 2 Euro finals, and a World Cup semi final and I am sure in the future this group of players will win a major tournament.

“I want to wish Lee, the coaching staff and the team all the best for the future. And finally a big thank you to all the England fans for your incredible support travelling all over the world to support us and keeping us going in the difficult moments.”

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