
Should smoking be banned in pub gardens – vote in our ballot

Keir Starmer has confirmed that he is eyeing up plans to ban smoking in pub gardens and other outdoor venues – and we want to hear YOUR thoughts on the move.

The controversial measures are part of a stricter Tobacco and Vapes Bill, following reports that too many Brits suffer as a result of second-hand smoke inhalation. Speaking to journalists in Paris today, the PM revealed that smoking could be prohibited in pub gardens, open-air smoking areas at clubs, and outdoor restaurants.

When asked about making changes to smoking laws, Mr Starmer said: “My starting point on this is to remind everybody that over 80,000 people lose their lives every year because of smoking. That is a preventable death, it’s a huge burden on the NHS and, of course, it is a burden on the taxpayer.

“So, yes, we are going to take decisions in this space, more details will be revealed, but this is a preventable series of deaths and we’ve got to take action to reduce the burden on the NHS and the taxpayer.” It comes after leaked Whitehall papers suggested that restrictions could be extended areas outside universities, hospitals, sports grounds, playgrounds and smaller parks.

The plans have been backed by Dr Layla McCay of the NHS Confederation, who told BBC Radio 4: “It’s the leading cause of preventable illness in the UK. So, we are heartened to see that progress is being made and that the intention is moving forward to really address one of Britain’s main drivers of health inequalities.

“Ultimately, all of these steps are steps in the same journey, which is towards a smoke-free future for Britain, reducing those health inequalities, reducing the huge problems that are caused to the individual and to society from smoking.”

Meanwhile, the tougher Bill has been slammed by Business Department officials, who claim the measures could create financial tensions for the industry, while hospitality chiefs said the ban has “caused concern across the sector”.

Michael Kill, chief executive of the Night Time Industries Association, said: “While these measures may rightly be driven by public health considerations, they risk dividing opinion and imposing yet another regulatory burden on businesses already facing considerable challenges.

“At a time when our industry desperately needs the freedom to trade, the last thing we need is further barriers.” He added: “It’s important to recognise that 6.4 million people in the UK still smoke, many of whom enjoy doing so in social settings like beer gardens. These leaked regulations could significantly impact their lifestyle choices and the businesses that serve them.”

Those opposed to the Bill are expected to highlight that voters were not informed of the plans in the Labour manifesto, which only vowed to honour Tory plans to continuously raise the smoking age in a bid to phase out all forms of smoking.

We want to know if YOU agree with the plans to ban smoking in pub gardens. Vote in our poll HERE to have your say.

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