
Bus and tanker collide within the Ivory Coast, killing 13 and injuring 44

Thirteen people have been killed after a tanker filled with petrol slammed into a bus, igniting an inferno of ‘terrifying intensity’. 

The bus and tanker collided on a highway between Bouake and Korhogo, two large cities located in the north of the Ivory Coast, at around 11pm on Friday. 

Fourty-four have also been injured – among them are 19 children – who were rushed to hospitals in the nearby cities of Katiola and Niakara, the Ivorian Press Agency reports. 

The two vehicles crashed after the road had been narrowed by a freight tuck parked without indicators, according to Police Secours – a platform monitoring deadly accidents in the country.

‘The collision between the bus and the tanker set off a fire of terrifying intensity,’ the Police Secours said. 

Thirteen people have been killed and 44 more have been hurt after a bus and a tanker collided in the Ivory Coast on Friday sparking a blaze of 'terrifying intensity'

Thirteen people have been killed and 44 more have been hurt after a bus and a tanker collided in the Ivory Coast on Friday sparking a blaze of ‘terrifying intensity’

They added that 13 bodies had been ‘charred’ by the terrifying blaze which was sparked by the collision. 

The death toll and report have been confirmed by the state television channel Radiodiffusion Television Ivorienne as well as the Ivorian Press Agency.

Deadly accidents are common in the Ivory Coast due to both cars and roads often being in poor condition, as well as reckless driving.

Over 1,000 people have been killed in road accidents in the West African state, according to their Ministry of Transport.

In the last year, a point-based drivers licence system was introduced in the country, meaning each motorist was granted 12 points on their licence. 

These points would be slowly taken away from the driver depending on if they committed a road violation.  

Ivorian authorities have also set up cameras dotted along the country’s main roads to fine offenders.