Weird legal guidelines embrace getting banged up for bothering Bigfoot and consuming out bins
Laws in the US are different depending on the state as while one action could see you locked up in one area, it could be completely legal in another.
But there are some states that have taken this to the extreme, with some very strange laws in place. For example, in New Hampshire it’s illegal to pick up or carry seaweed off the beach at night.
It’s extremely unlikely someone is going to be taken away in handcuffs for scooping up ocean debris, but some residents and tourists are still baffled every year by these old rules.
READ MORE: Man convinced his best mate ‘summoned Bigfoot to eat him’ – so ended his life
There’s lots of quality news coming out of the US.
One of the more unusual bits of legislation in America involves Bigfoot. In Washington – specifically Skamania County – it’s illegal to harass the mythical ape. Implemented in 1969, the rule highlights the state’s weird fascination with the elusive cryptic.
The statute prohibits the killing, hunting, or general harassment of Bigfoot and any other yet-to-be-discovered species. Anyone found guilty of slaying the hairy beast faces a fine of up to £75,000 and a maximum prison sentence of 10 years.
In Delaware a person can be found guilty if they “recklessly sell, barter or offer” the fur or hair of a domestic dog or cat, or any product made in whole from the fur of one of those two animals.
Meanwhile in Texas, it’s illegal to eat your neighbour’s bin rubbish, or eat out of public dumpsters. This is a bit more understandable because, quite frankly, having a snack on next door’s waste is a bit weird. Why it’s Texas that they’ve had to bring in this rule is anyone’s guess.
It’s also against the law in the same state to have a meal in your neighbour’s garage – that’s with or without an invite.
Over in Oregon, if you try to whistle underneath the water while swimming then you could face a criminal record. And in Illinois, a state which clearly hasn’t got to grips with feminism yet, women aren’t allowed to throw snowballs but blokes can.
In Indiana, it’s illegal to catch fish with your bare hands so if you’re off to catch a trout then best take a rod. Section 14-22-9-1 of the Natural and Cultural Resources Code also forbids people to use a gun to catch fish.
To cap off this bizarre list, in Denver, Colorado, it’s illegal to drive a black car on a Sunday.
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