
Kidnapper sprawls throughout Bentley as extra inmates are free of jail

Prisoners have been celebrating being freed from jail in the latest round of early releases as they greet family members before driving home in flash supercars such as Lamborghinis, Rolls Royces and Bentleys. 

Inmates have been greeted by family members on the day that more than 1,200 who had been sentenced to more than five years in prison were due to be freed early across England and Wales today.

That follows the early release of another 1,750 last month under a new government scheme under which prisoners serve 40 rather than 50 per cent of their sentences.

Those emerging from jail have spoken of their gratitude to the Prime Minister for his government’s early release scheme which introduced to tackle prison overcrowding.

Convicted armed kidnapper Daniel Dowling-Brooks shouted, ‘Big up Keir Starmer’, when released this morning and posed on a £150,000 brand new Bentley outside jail.

Convicted armed kidnapper Daniel Dowling-Brooks was seen giving a double thumbs up as he posed next to a Bentley after being released from HMP Swaleside in Kent this morning

Convicted armed kidnapper Daniel Dowling-Brooks was seen giving a double thumbs up as he posed next to a Bentley after being released from HMP Swaleside in Kent this morning

There was delight on the face of another ex-inmate as he left HMP Liverpool this morning

There was delight on the face of another ex-inmate as he left HMP Liverpool this morning

Elsewhere, a convicted money launderer’s family arrived in a Lamborghini to greet him at prison gates while another inmate was taken home in a Rolls Royce. 

Dowling-Brooks, 29, was released early by seven weeks today at HMP Swaleside in Kent, having been handed a seven-year sentence for kidnap and GBH.

He was among a group of ten friends outside the jail this morning, with a strong smell of cannabis in the air.

The father-of-two said, ‘I love my life’, as he posed on the car and also next to a Mercedes G Wagon, priced at £100,000.

He said: ‘I’m a dad of two so I’m out now and I’m very happy. I’m going to be good.’

Talking about his crimes, he revealed: ‘I kidnapped someone who owed by friend money. I tied him up and had him at gunpoint. I beat him up.

‘It was bad but not as bad as they made out. I’m so sorry for it though. I’m changed. Big up Keir Starmer, I am delighted to be released early. I am delighted.

‘I can’t wait to go McDonald’s. That’s where we’re all going now. I’m free and can go wherever I want now. It’s amazing. I could not believe they are letting me out this early. I’ve got my girl with me.’

His mother Sarah Dowling-Brooks, who had waiting for him, said: ‘He’s going to be good now. He has done his time. I’m so happy he is home.’

Daniel Dowling-Brooks said, 'I love my life', as he posed on the car and also next to a Mercedes G Wagon, priced at £100,000, at HMP Swaleside on the Isle of Sheppey in Kent today

Daniel Dowling-Brooks said, ‘I love my life’, as he posed on the car and also next to a Mercedes G Wagon, priced at £100,000, at HMP Swaleside on the Isle of Sheppey in Kent today

Men were also pictured leaving HMP Leyhill in Gloucestershire this morning

Men were also pictured leaving HMP Leyhill in Gloucestershire this morning

Elsewhere, the family of a convicted money launderer arrived in a Lamborghini Urus to greet him at prison gates as he became one of the hundreds freed early today. 

The prisoner, due to be released from Category B Wandsworth prison in south London, was handed a 12-year term over the scam – worth £3million – although this was reduced to a ten-year sentence, his family said.

He was due to be released today from Category B Wandsworth prison in south London, a few months short of spending five years behind bars after being given a ten-year sentence.

The money laundering inmate – a 50-year-old father-of-ten who has not been named by his family – is part of the early release scheme.

His cousin, who gave his name as Ahmed and works in the family’s concierge business, said: ‘We will just be having a family dinner (to celebrate), with all his kids – a taste of freedom. He could go home in the car if he wants, he could drive it.

‘When you’re inside the only thing you can think about is smelling the fresh air. The smallest things in life become the finest things in life.’

Ahmed, himself a former prisoner at Wandsworth while on remand before being acquitted of ABH, also slammed conditions inside.

The 27-year-old said: ‘They have been treated like dogs in there. It is terrible conditions, it’s like they give you their own punishment.

‘Sometimes you don’t come out of your cell or get a shower, or you come out for like 30 minutes a day. It’s not enough.

One prisoner leaving HMP Liverpool this morning lifted his jacket to cover his face

One prisoner leaving HMP Liverpool this morning lifted his jacket to cover his face

Another departing from the same institution this morning his his face with his bag

Another departing from the same institution this morning his his face with his bag

Men are seen leaving HMP Leyhill in Gloucestershire this morning on the day more than 1,200 inmates are expected to be freed under the early release scheme

Men are seen leaving HMP Leyhill in Gloucestershire this morning on the day more than 1,200 inmates are expected to be freed under the early release scheme

‘There are rats in the room, the toilets are blocked. I’ve got nothing good to say about the place.’

Another inmate was reunited with his children who ran at him with a big hug outside HMP Swaleside, in Kent.

Another prisoner was welcomed with an embrace as he was picked up in a black Rolls Royce by a group of men in matching hoodies.

A number of men could be seen walking down the road with bin bags slung over their shoulders, one also shaking hands with a security guard.

They were leaving the prison estates on the Isle of Sheppey, which is home to HMP Swaleside, HMP Standford Hill and HMP Elmley.

A white Bentley and black Mercedes G-wagon were among the cars seen coming to pick up people outside the prisons.

Meanwhile, a crime family were reunited as a drug dealer with 113 convictions was freed from prison under Sir Keir Starmer’s early release scheme – and his mother told of his gratitude towards the Prime Minister.

Prolific crook James Sharp, 32, was locked up for five and a half years after leading police on a high-speed chase in February 2022.

One man appeared to be giving a thumbs up as a group departed from HMP Liverpool

One man appeared to be giving a thumbs up as a group departed from HMP Liverpool

A significant group of people were seen leaving HMP Liverpool across the morning

A significant group of people were seen leaving HMP Liverpool across the morning

He was today released from prison three and a half months early – having racked up 60 convictions for drug dealing, burglary and dangerous driving.

Sharp was met at the prison gates by his mother Amanda Sharp, who was locked up herself in 2022 for dealing.  

Released in groups of up to six at a time, fellow inmates at HMP Holme House in Teesside celebrated freedom with cries of delight as they passed through the large retracting metal doors.

Holme House, a men’s training and resettlement prison, has an operational capacity for 1,179 prisoners.

A court previously heard Amanda Sharp was ‘at the centre of a little family drug dealing business, which includes her son and grandson, and possibly others’.

She and her son James pair hugged today outside the Category C jail, where about 20 prisoners had been released by 10am.

Posing with his thumb up, Sharp, from Stockton, said he was excited to see his son Logan, 12.

He said: ‘I want to try and go the Christian route and help other people. I converted about 10 years ago inside.

James Sharp was freed today from HMP Holme House in Teesside
He was met outside the jail by his mother Amanda Sharp, who previously served time herself

James Sharp (left) was greeted by his mother Amanda Sharp (right) as he was freed today from HMP Holme House in Teesside

Inmates have also been leaving HMP Manchester this morning as the release scheme aimed at curbing prison overcrowding continues

Inmates have also been leaving HMP Manchester this morning as the release scheme aimed at curbing prison overcrowding continues

Men hauling bags with them were pictured departing from HMP Liverpool

Men hauling bags with them were pictured departing from HMP Liverpool

‘I’ve got my own flat in Stockton from probation and I’ve got a couple of girls who I might go and see.

‘I’m happy to be out. Drugs are rife in the prison. I’ve been flat out on spice for two and half years. I’ve come out skinnier than when I went in.’

His mother Amanda, who was released in July having served half of a five year sentence for drugs offences, revealed her other son Christopher was on remand awaiting trial having been arrested by police for taking part in riots.

She said he was on release from prison for a six-year jail term when he was detained in Middlesbrough in August.

Her grandson, 18, meanwhile, is HMP Deerbolt in County Durham.

She said: ‘I’m fine. I won’t be going back inside. But I don’t know about James. He’s got a flat to go to this time, so he’s done alright. He’s got it own flat, so probation has helped him.

‘It’s a rough prison. There are people off their heads on spice constantly. You get more drugs in jail than you do on the outside.

‘I spoke to James yesterday, he’s excited to come out. He’s grateful to Keir Starmer. ‘If I can help it he will be staying on the straight and narrow. 

‘My other son’s in HMP Hull, for the riots. He just got out after six years then got remanded for the riots. He didn’t even do nowt either.’

Another man was seen keeping his head down on walking out of HMP Liverpool

Another man was seen keeping his head down on walking out of HMP Liverpool

Someone else looked more visibly pleased to be on his way out of HMP Liverpool

Someone else looked more visibly pleased to be on his way out of HMP Liverpool

A court previously heard how James Sharp drove into the path of oncoming traffic in his Audi A3 while trying to evade police.

He led officers along the A66 in Middlesbrough, avoiding near head-on collisions as he raced along the wrong side of the carriageway.

His home was later raided and a haul of drugs discovered, including cocaine, cannabis, pregabalin and several bottles of ammonia, along with more than £2,000 in cash discovered and seized.

Sentencing, Judge Howard Crowson told Sharp: ‘Your manner of driving was erratic sometimes fast and often quite dangerous. People had to avoid head on collisions with you as you steered away from them.

‘In the end police had to force you from the road and even then you ran on foot.

Meanwhile, an abusive husband who was jailed for slashing his wife’s neck with a knife could be released early from prison under Labour’s controversial scheme, his victim fears. 

Former army sergeant Martin Underwood, 49, threatened to kill mother of two Elizabeth Hudson in the kitchen of their family home in Barnsley in April 2021. 

He went on to attack another woman while on police bail by placing a bag over her head during a row while they were having sex.    

Former army sergeant Martin Underwood, 49, was jailed for threatening to kill mother of two Elizabeth Hudson in the kitchen of their family home in Barnsley in April 2021

Former army sergeant Martin Underwood, 49, was jailed for threatening to kill mother of two Elizabeth Hudson in the kitchen of their family home in Barnsley in April 2021

A legal loophole means he could be set free nine months early, and even be out as early as Christmas this year - much to the dismay of victim Elizabeth Hudson (seen on GMB today)

A legal loophole means he could be set free nine months early, and even be out as early as Christmas this year – much to the dismay of victim Elizabeth Hudson (seen on GMB today)

Underwood admitted making threats to kill and assault occasioning actual bodily harm, as well as a charge of non-fatal suffocation. He was jailed last February to six years and three months with a judge branding him a ‘significant risk’.

‘Highly manipulative and dangerous’ Underwood was also given two indefinite restraining orders. 

But a legal loophole means he could be set free nine months early, and even be out as early as Christmas this year – much to Ms Hudson’s shock and dismay.

She told Good Morning Britain she was ‘incredibly shocked’ when she received a letter ‘out of the blue’ from the Ministry of Justice to notify her that her abusive ex-husband met the criteria for the scheme. 

‘What message does it send to other abusers?’ she said. 

‘The government talks about violence against women, let’s treat it as seriously as terrorism, let’s halve the amount of violence against women.

‘And then they put policies in place that gives a message that actually it’s not really that important. That we don’t need to make this number one priority.’

There is an option for Ms Hudson to request that an ‘exclusion zone’ is put in place for Underwood when he is released, but she says this would then reveal her location to him. 

She added: ‘If you’ve been in an abusive relationship you have walked on eggshells. 

Elizabeth Hudson told Good Morning Britain she was 'incredibly shocked' when she received a letter 'out of the blue' from the Ministry of Justice to notify her that her abusive ex-husband met the criteria for the early release scheme

Elizabeth Hudson told Good Morning Britain she was ‘incredibly shocked’ when she received a letter ‘out of the blue’ from the Ministry of Justice to notify her that her abusive ex-husband met the criteria for the early release scheme

‘You’ve changed your behaviour, and you’ve felt controlled. Then you have this period of peace, this period of freedom where you can walk around and not look over your shoulder – and that’s incredibly precious.

‘But you know there is a time frame on that, but for them [the government] to just reduce that so ridiculously is so unbelievably cruel.’

The early release scheme has reduced the proportion of a sentence most offenders must serve behind bars from 50 per cent to 40 per cent.

There are exclusions for domestic abuse cases such as stalking and non-fatal strangulation. 

However, Underwood’s sentence was classed as assault instead of domestic abuse.

Meanwhile, it has been revealed that more than half of the prisoners freed in the first three months of this year are already back behind bars.

Martin Jones, His Majesty’s Chief of Probation, warned that Labour‘s plans to curb prison overcrowding would be undermined by a high level of recalls.

He told how for every 100 inmates released in the first quarter of 2024, 56 had been brought back to prison for reoffending or breaching their licence.

Martin Jones, His Majesty's Chief of Probation, has revealed that more than half of the prisoners freed in the first three months of this year are already back behind bars

Martin Jones, His Majesty’s Chief of Probation, has revealed that more than half of the prisoners freed in the first three months of this year are already back behind bars

Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood has been speaking today about the Labour government's early release scheme and plans to tackle prison over-crowding

Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood has been speaking today about the Labour government’s early release scheme and plans to tackle prison over-crowding

The SDS40 was meant to free up to 5,500 prison places but fears of further over-crowding have been fuelled by the large numbers of people jailed following this summer’s widespread riots across the country.

And the number of recalls will cause further problems, Mr Jones has now forecast – amid concerns jails could run out of spaces again next July.

He said: ‘My assessment is that there is a significant risk that the amount of space that has been created by the SDS40 changes will be reduced as a result of the high level of recalls that we have been seeing historically over a number of years.

‘I see no indication that there will be fewer recalls as a result of this. There will be some benefit but it will be quickly chipped at and is the reason why a hard look at recalls is necessary in the long term.’

Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood has ordered a sentencing review, led by her Conservative predecessor David Gauke.

She hopes this will guarantee there would be sufficient space to imprison the most dangerous criminals and expand punishments outside jails.

The minister insisted rates of recall in the cohort of early releases were ‘broadly in line’ with usual prison releases, in response to Mr Jones’s comments.

Ms Mahmood told LBC: ‘We’ll do a statistics release in due course, as we normally would, on rates of recall and on reoffending in our prison estate.

‘What I can tell you is our early assessment is that the rates of recall and potential reoffending in the cohort that has been released as a result of the emergency release measures is broadly in line with what we would expect.’

A new sentencing review has been ordered by Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood, pictured on a visit to HMP Bedford in July this year and talking to prison governor Sarah Bolt

A new sentencing review has been ordered by Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood, pictured on a visit to HMP Bedford in July this year and talking to prison governor Sarah Bolt

The review is to be led by Shabana Mahmood's Conservative predecessor David Gauke

The review is to be led by Shabana Mahmood’s Conservative predecessor David Gauke

She said there was ‘no doubt’ that recalls put pressure on the prison system but said they are an ‘important mechanism’, adding: Because at the end of the day, when somebody is still serving a sentence but they’re not in prison, they’re out in the community, they are subject to strict licence conditions.

‘You break those conditions, you do go back to prison.’

Dozens of prisoners were incorrectly freed under Sir Keir Starmer‘s early release scheme after a system error, the Ministry of Justice last month admitted.

Those mistakenly freed included stalkers and domestic abusers but Ms Mahmood today said the issues had now been ‘ironed out’.

She told Times Radio that those wrongly freed were sentenced according to an older act of Parliament and the error was down to a ‘mistake in the application of the law’.

She said: ‘All 37 were returned to custody, and that operational part of the system actually ended up working exactly as it should.

‘But those mistakes have now been ironed out, and I’m confident that the releases taking place will now be exactly as we need them to be, and victims who are required to be notified will be notified.’

She said it had been a ‘curveball’ that the Government could not have foreseen.

Ms Mahmood added: ‘That issue has been sorted and it has been resolved, and for the releases that are taking place today, that is not a mistake that will occur again.’

Dozens of prisoners were incorrectly freed under the early release scheme brought in by Sir Keir Starmer (pictured) and his government, the Ministry of Justice last month admitted

Dozens of prisoners were incorrectly freed under the early release scheme brought in by Sir Keir Starmer (pictured) and his government, the Ministry of Justice last month admitted

Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood (pictured) today said the mistakes that caused 37 inmates to be wrongly released had now been 'ironed out'

Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood (pictured) today said the mistakes that caused 37 inmates to be wrongly released had now been ‘ironed out’

But she admitted that emergency measures such as releasing prisoners early needed more done to help prison overcrowding, telling BBC Breakfast: ‘Even pulling these emergency release levers, it only buys us some time.

‘It’s not going to make the problem, the underlying problem, go away, and that is because the demand for prison places is going up by around 4,500 every single year.’

She said that the Government was committed to building to create 14,000 extra prison places that the last Conservative Government ‘failed to deliver’.

She went on: ‘But it’s not going to be enough, because this is not a crisis that you can build your way out of, because the demand is going up simply, very, very quickly, and that’s why I’ve announced a sentencing review today.

‘It’s why we need to think more long term about how we bring that down, because we cannot build our way out of this crisis.’

Labour will open the door to wider use of community punishments for criminals – including house arrest – as part of the new reviews.

Ms Mahmood has said extending technology such as electronic tags would see the creation of a ‘prison outside prison’ for non-dangerous offenders.

She today said the review of prison sentencing aims to expand the range of punishments outside prison, but would not confirm the overall goal is to reduce levels of incarceration in the UK.

Ms Mahmood told BBC Radio 4’s Today: ‘We have to expand the use of punishment outside prison, and I’m very clear that that has to maintain the confidence of the public.

‘People still have to know that you are being punished for breaking the laws of our land, even if you’re not serving time in custody.

Thousands of criminals a year are currently released from jail on 'home detention curfew' which requires them to wear an electronic tag and observe a curfew (stock image)

Thousands of criminals a year are currently released from jail on ‘home detention curfew’ which requires them to wear an electronic tag and observe a curfew (stock image)

‘There are real consequences that you really feel the loss of your liberty still.’

Technology including tags is already used to supervise and monitor offenders serving sentences outside prison and the review will look at whether that can be taken further with emerging technologies other countries are using, she said.

But, asked if she was taking a new approach and wanted fewer people incarcerated in Britain, she said that the rate of increase was such that ‘nobody can keep up with demand’.