
Glam miner earns £54k driving 45ft truck as trolls moan she ‘does a person’s job’

Cindy Koopman, 32, is a FIFO (fly in, fly out) worker in the mines and drives a dump truck for up to 12 hours a day in the ‘male dominated field’ – but she loves it despite what trolls have to say

This woman work a job in a male-dominated industry – and she’s giving the men a run for their money (Image: Cindy Koopman / SWNS)

A glamorous female miner hit back at trolls after they moaned that a woman is driving a 45ft truck – but says she feels ’empowered’.

Cindy Koopman, 32, still manages to keep her nails perfectly manicured while operating her mammoth dump truck and putting in the graft for 12-hour shifts. She relishes her FIFO (fly in, fly out) role that only sees her working eight months of the year for a hefty £54,000 salary.

Despite only working one to two weeks at a time, she earns an impressive salary and enjoys weeks off in return. Cindy, who currently resides in Perth, Australia, loves being in the “male dominated field”, even when faced with comments like ‘what’s a girl like you doing in the mines?’

“I feel very empowered,” she admitted. “I feel I can do anything.”

Originally from South Africa and raised in New Zealand, Cindy moved to Sydney, Australia, in November 2020 after completing her business degree. A friend suggested mining jobs in Perth, but Cindy was initially hesitant.

Cindy joined the mining industry – but not without setbacks (Image: Cindy Koopman / SWNS)

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However, she eventually made the move and started as a geologist assistant on a $120k AUD (£59,000) annual salary. Cindy shared her experience in the industry: “I was working alongside drillers learning so much.”

“I had a pain pack on my back spraying out a map the geologists had created for the diggers to know where to dig for gold. It was just so different. I love a bit of physical work as well.

“In the role I was in there was just two women in that department. There are not a lot of women in mining.”

“It’s a very male dominated field but a lot of women are trickling in.”

She has blasted trolls who say mining isn’t for women (Image: Cindy Koopman / SWNS)

Taking off for two-week stints as a FIFO worker, Cindy is living her dream driving the colossal 793F truck: “I operate a truck 793F.”

“It’s one of the biggest. I drive that bad boy around for the day.”

“Some days I can’t believe the machine I operate. I was initially very scary. I’m driving a huge thing and anything can happen.”

Despite the tough environment, Cindy says she had to adapt and grow tougher skin: “It can be challenging.”

“There is stigma around it’s a man’s world. You learn to grow hair on your chest.”

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“I had to get a hard shell but in a good way.”

Proud of her thriving career with a $110k (£54,000) salary plus perks, Cindy is dedicated to using her time off to help others and has no plans to leave mining anytime soon, hoping to inspire more women to join the field: “I love what I’m doing.”

“I love my crew.”