
EastEnders’ most jaw-dropping storylines because it celebrates 40 years of lies, love, demise and catastrophe – however what number of do you keep in mind?

A fan since it began, Weekend’s soap critic celebrates EastEnders’ enduring mix of lies, love, death and disaster…

On 19 February 1985, 13 million viewers tuned in to watch the first-ever episode of EastEnders. 

Created by Julia Smith and Tony Holland, its premise was a seemingly simple one: life in an east London square. 

From the start, the aim was to produce not just drama, but a public-service soap opera, with the burning issues of the day crafted into its plots and storylines.

The first character to speak was the infamous Dirty Den, as he came to be known, played by Leslie Grantham.

‘Stinks in here, dunnit?’ he said, before discovering elderly Reg Cox close to death in his dingy flat.

EastEnders have had some pretty jaw-dropping storylines ahead of celebrating 40 years - but how many do you remember?

EastEnders have had some pretty jaw-dropping storylines ahead of celebrating 40 years – but how many do you remember?

This month the soap marks its 40th anniversary with an interactive live episode in which viewers will decide whether Denise chooses Jack or Ravi.

Four decades is an astonishing achievement for a show that had mixed reviews when it first aired. 

The Daily Mail was spot on with its review that carried the headline, ‘A start that’s so full of East End promise,’ while other critics praised the characters and the depiction of East End life – in particular the social issues and struggles faced by the working class.

But there was dissent from ‘real’ East Enders, who failed to recognise themselves and their lives in the drama. 

Another non-fan was moral campaigner Mary Whitehouse, who said it was ‘one of the worst programmes the BBC has ever made’. 

She went on to call it ‘a sordid story’, created only to increase viewing figures.

Despite the criticism, the main characters quickly established themselves in the viewers’ consciousness – Den, Angie, Arthur, Michelle, Pauline, Ian, Mark, Kathy, Sharon – and the first storylines were enough to get the nation hooked: who killed Reg Cox?

Would the fractious relationship between Den and Angie survive? Who was the father of Michelle’s baby?

The success of the show is also, in no small part, down to the changing nature of television in the 1980s.

Facing competition from cable and satellite as well as terrestrial newcomer Channel 4 in 1982, to many the BBC was losing touch with the popular audience. 

Research revealed that among that audience there was an appetite for a show set in London.

And the rest is history.

I recall its launch on BBC1 as if it were yesterday because I had just begun life as a journalist writing about television.

My own career beat EastEnders by a year, but little did I think, when I started out in 1984, that I would still be writing about a show whose impact would be so long-lasting.

True, it’s had its ups and downs. 

At times I’ve found it too violent, too preachy, too silly with some of its ludicrous plots. But at its best (and to me, under its current executive producer Chris Clenshaw it is exactly that), it’s a celebration of life – both good and bad. 

No matter what our social status, we see ourselves in characters who experience the same human emotions everyone does on a day-to-day basis. 

Love, death, illness, excitement, joy, sadness, family drama – all human life is there.

To celebrate the 40th anniversary, I’ve been trawling through the archives to pick and rate my favourite plots over four decades, and over the page there’s some fascinating trivia (do you know how many actors have graced the set over the years? You’ll be amazed).

So let’s raise a glass of the Queen Vic’s finest tipple to a great British institution and celebrate this incredible milestone…

Our soap critic picks and rates her 25 top EastEnders plotlines, starting with her favourite…


Kat Slater and Alfie Moon tied the knot in 2003

Kat Slater and Alfie Moon tied the knot in 2003

Everyone loves a good wedding, and that includes EastEnders, where there’ve been 112, including the disasters that didn’t end with ‘I do’. 

You’d think one of them would have gone without a hitch though, wouldn’t you? Don’t be daft. 

The most recent, on New Year’s Day, saw both Suki and Eve end up in hospital.

In 1999, Mel and Ian never even made it to the honeymoon, when the bride-to-be dumped the duplicitous groom after discovering he’d lied about his daughter Lucy having cancer, just to guilt-trip her into marriage. 

Ian’s mum Kaffy (Gillian Taylforth) hasn’t fared so well either – on her wedding day in 2023 she discovered husband-to-be Rocky (Brian Conley) was still married.

My No 1 wedding though, and my favourite EastEnders moment, is Kat Slater and Alfie Moon’s in 2003 because it had all the key ingredients: high drama (a back story that saw Alfie confessing his love and stealing Kat from groom-to-be Andy); something going wrong (it turned out Alfie wasn’t divorced); and last-minute panic (would the solicitor get there in time with the divorce papers?).

It also had a happy ending on Christmas Day. 

The couple remain, for me, the most authentic in the show’s history. 

Actors Jessie Wallace and Shane Richie are still at the top of their game and their characters’ relationship, with all its twists and turns, makes their story my No 1.

My money’s on another Kat/Alfie wedding in 2025. 

Time to wheel out that paper full moon (which happens every time Mr Moon is in love – geddit?) again?


The episode that consistently takes the top spot in round-ups is Christmas Day 1986, when Den served wife Angie with divorce papers. 

Watched by an incredible 30.1 million viewers, it remains the soap’s highest-rated episode. 

But a lot of trauma has passed under the bridge since then, especially on Christmas Day when EastEnders is still The One To Watch. 

Every festive episode over the past four decades has been guaranteed a less than silent night.

Ian tried to kill Simon (1990), Phil and Mel gave in to their lust (2000), and Jamie died (2002) – to name but a few. 

Last year’s episode, when Cindy got her comeuppance, attracted 5.1 million. 

But in 2023, a brilliant twist made Christmas come early – and that’s why The Six, as they came to be known, takes my second slot.

It was first teased in a flash forward on 20 February, then we were left in limbo for ten months before learning that the body lying on the floor of the Vic on Christmas Day was Keanu. 

It was extraordinary storytelling and the repercussions continue to blight lives to this day.


Barry was pushed off a cliff by Janine in 2004

Barry was pushed off a cliff by Janine in 2004 

Murder most horrid is part and parcel of the EastEnders package, and with homicide rates way above the national average and, it seems, crime-solving way down the list, Walford’s coppers make Trumpton’s force look like the Met. 

Small wonder that would-be killers try their luck. 

It took them ten months to solve the Who Killed Lucy Beale? storyline in 2015; and when Chantelle endured Death By Dishwasher (let’s hope it was still under warranty) at the hands of abusive husband Gray in 2020, it took the clueless crime-fighters a full year and a half.

Easily making my list of great killers and coming in at No 3 is Janine (Charlie Brooks), one of the best villains the show has ever seen. 

She’s had many great moments, but my favourite was when she pushed husband Barry (Shaun Williamson) off a cliff. 

Not only was she deliciously heartless, we saw she had gargantuan strength too.

Barry was a big lad; Janine must have had the power of a JCB to shift him.


Mark told his family he had HIV in the 90s

Mark told his family he had HIV in the 90s 

There have been many storylines that have helped raise awareness about subjects people often find difficult to talk about: Peggy’s breast cancer, resulting in a mastectomy in 1999 (the first soap character to undergo one), Stuart’s breast cancer in 2022, sexual assault, grooming, mental illness etc etc. 

Today, Linda’s alcoholism is a reminder of the devastation this disease can cause – while also raising awareness about where help can be found. 

EastEnders’ social mission cannot be praised highly enough.

So I have no hesitation about Mark Fowler’s HIV storyline making my top five. 

Mark (Todd Carty), who was straight, told his parents Pauline and Arthur that he was HIV-positive on Boxing Day in 1991.

It heralded a storyline that did much to combat prejudices – especially towards the gay community, who were wrongly targeted by many as the instigators of what was labelled the ‘gay plague’. 

Earlier, in 1989, Colin and Guido had shared British TV’s first mouth-to-mouth male kiss, igniting fury among some viewers for whom Roly the poodle eating Pedigree Chum was as much excitement as they could take. 

Actor Michael Cashman (Colin) later became Lord Cashman.


Steve left the Square in 2002

Steve left the Square in 2002 

Pop fans were thrilled when Spandau Ballet heartthrob Martin Kemp joined the show in 1998 as Steve Owen – and heartbroken by his exit (one of the most dramatic in the soap’s history) four years later. 

Steve died in a fireball after a burst tyre sent his car hurtling into a barrel of petrol when he was being chased by Phil Mitchell. 

It was just one of many disasters that have befallen the residents of Albert Square.

Remember the boat crash of 2020 that killed Sharon’s young son Dennis?

That was brought about by a fight between Keanu and… Phil.

Spotting a pattern here?


As viewers will remember Grant, Phil and Sharon were in a love triangle

As viewers will remember Grant, Phil and Sharon were in a love triangle 

Quite simply one of the most dramatic love triangles in soap history.

Torn between two lovers – the Bruvvers Kalashnikov, Grant and Phil – Sharon confessed on tape to her friend Michelle that she had slept with her bruvver-in-law Phil. 

Penned by veteran writer Tony Jordan, the episode was watched by 25.3 million viewers. 

With Grant sitting outside the pub listening to the tape, it was hard to see where his geyser of tears ended and his runny nose began.


Kat confessed that she was Zoe's mum

Kat confessed that she was Zoe’s mum 

Easily the liveliest and most joyous street argument ever, this featured Zoe screaming at Kat, ‘You can’t tell me what to do; you ain’t my muvver.’ To which Kat replied, ‘Yes I am.’ 

The episode was watched by a whopping 16.9 million viewers. 

My second favourite Kat line of all time? ‘I didn’t become just a little bit of a slag, I became a total slag.’

8. DEN’S RETURN 2003

Den returned in 2003

Den returned in 2003

The Second Coming for Den was an impressive resurrection. 

Having been shot, presumed dead in 1989 (seemingly gunned down by a bunch of daffodils camouflaging a gun) on the canal path, he was reincarnated 14 years later as someone even more horrible than the first time round. 

Small wonder he was murdered again in 2005, this time by wife Chrissie, who hit him over the head with a doorstop before burying him under the floor of the Vic’s cellar.

9. WHO SHOT PHIL? 2001

Phil was shot in 2001

Phil was shot in 2001 

The big question of 2001 was Who Shot Phil? and it was months before the culprit was revealed to be ex-girlfriend Lisa, furious he’d slept with her best mate.

Come on, love, you must have known he had form in that department. Phil (Steve McFadden) was also accidentally shot by Shirley in 2014.

‘Again?’ asked an incredulous Ian Beale.


Barbara Windsor left the show in 2016

Barbara Windsor left the show in 2016

When former Carry On star Barbara Windsor left the show after two decades of playing Grant and Phil’s mum Peggy, she called it the most ‘wonderful’ time. 

‘The show has changed my life,’ she said. 

Queen Vic landlady Peggy’s funeral preceded Barbara’s real-life death by four years and it was, by EastEnders standards, a sombre affair. 

Inevitably, the horse-drawn hearse was hoofed out for the occasion (I swear the only exercise those animals get is when someone dies) and Phil got to blub a bit.

Peggy will always be remembered for the order… ‘Get outta my pub!’

11. NAKED FRANK 2000

Frank stood in the doorstep naked in 2000

Frank stood in the doorstep naked in 2000

Funny, but once you’ve seen it you can’t unsee it (sadly). 

Cheating Frank Butcher (Mike Reid) arrived on his ex Pat’s doorstep in 2000 stark naked except for a spinning bow tie while wife Peggy was fretting behind the bar of the Vic. 

Thank goodness the camera, panning down, did not reveal Frank’s delivery package.


It was an eventful Christmas for the Brannings in 2007

It was an eventful Christmas for the Brannings in 2007

There’s rarely a Happy Christmas in Walford, and if the turkey cleaver doesn’t get you, the adultery will. 

So, just as the Brannings and Slaters sat down to open their presents and watch TV (hurry up! EastEnders is on!), Max Branning (Jake Wood) found an unopened present for his son Bradley under the tree – a ‘wedding’ DVD made by Bradley’s scheming sister Lauren. 

Max put it into the DVD player, and what did it reveal to the shocked families? Max kissing Bradley’s wife Stacey Slater.


13. UP ON THE ROOF 2010

They really like their roof dramas on EastEnders. Mandy and Aidan 1993, Lauren and Abi 2017, Mick contemplating jumping from the Queen Vic roof in 2020 (if only; I’d have helped with a push).

But most distressing was Bradley accidentally falling from the Vic’s roof in a live episode in 2010, while trying to evade the police who wanted him for the murder of his wife Stacey’s rapist, Queen Vic landlord Archie Mitchell (Larry Lamb).

14. ELAINE’S PAIN 2024

Elaine had a surprise drag act last year

Elaine had a surprise drag act last year 

The arrival of drag act Drew at Queen Vic landlady Elaine’s hen do brought up dreadful memories for Elaine – Drew was her husband John’s lover throughout their marriage. 

Joining Drew in a gay club (fear not: given her clothes and hair, Elaine fitted right in – they probably booked her as a drag act), they put the past to rest. 

Exquisitely written, it was a reminder of the stigma that surrounded gay life among the older generation.


Jean tied the knot in 2022

Jean tied the knot in 2022 

Jean Slater’s battles with bipolar disorder emerged fully blown when, believing she was going to be married to Harvey imminently, despite the wedding being called off, she put on a wedding dress and enjoyed herself at Southend funfair before walking into the sea, where she was rescued by daughter Stacey. 

The only happy people that day were the Sarfend Tourist Board, doubtless wringing their hands with glee. 

A truly great episode.

Gillian Wright (Jean) felt a weight of responsibility in bringing her character’s storylines to life: ‘What I do has to be believable, however emotional the part is or however funny she is; whatever it is she’s doing, it needs to come from a place of truth for me.’


Max was buried alive in 2008

Max was buried alive in 2008

Long-suffering Tanya Branning burying her cheating husband Max alive was the most watched episode of 2008 and received 116 complaints from viewers. 

The UK communications regulator Ofcom later found that the episodes depicting the storyline were in breach of the 2005 Broadcasting Code. 

Seriously? Were they even watching for the 23 years before that?

17. IAN SHOT 1996

You have to wonder why the Mafia don’t seek advice from Walford residents, given the ease with which the locals manage to acquire guns.

Ian’s estranged wife Cindy (Michelle Collins) hired a hitman to kill him after he discovered she’d been having an affair with his half-brother David Wicks.

Ian was shot but survived – Cindy called for an ambulance, something she doubtless came to regret many times over.

18. THEY’RE BACK! 2023

Well, that was a surprise. 

Twenty-five years after leaving town, Cindy turned up again, claiming to have been in witness protection, but now able to show her face as the woman she’d shopped had died. 

Forget the resurrection; the biggest shock was that she had Ian in tow. 

Clearly, he’s a very forgiving sort of chap, given that she tried to have him bumped off.

It wasn’t long, however, before she resumed her ways as the village bike. 

I swear that woman could be a spokesperson for Peloton.


Little Mo and Trevor were involved in an intense storyline in 2002

Little Mo and Trevor were involved in an intense storyline in 2002

The harrowing abuse Little Mo Slater suffered at the hands of her evil husband Trevor Morgan finally came to an end when he and neighbour Tom Banks were killed in an explosion at the house where Trevor was holding Little Mo and his son Sean hostage.

Described as ‘Britain’s most hated soap villain’ at the time, Alex Ferns (Trevor) won the British Soap Award for Best Newcomer in 2002.

20. RICKAAAAAY! 1999

Bianca is best known for shouting 'RICKAAAAAY!'

Bianca is best known for shouting ‘RICKAAAAAY!’

Bianca, played by Patsy Palmer, has been in and out of the show since she made herfirst appearance in 1993 (she’s spent the past three months as the prisoner of current crackpot Reiss).

Created by veteran writer Tony McHale, she was best known for yelling ‘RICKAAAAAY!’ at her on/off husband Ricky, and her exit in 1999 following an affair with her mother’s new boyfriend Dodgy Dan Sullivan (Craig Fairbrass) delivered an emotionally charged week.

‘It was really sad,’ said Patsy. 

‘We were all crying our eyes out – the crew as well as the cast. The tears you see on screen are real.’

21. LOLA’S DAY OUT 2023

Lola had a sweet day out with Jay ahead of her death

Lola had a sweet day out with Jay ahead of her death

This two-hander episode was a poignant one for Lola who, suffering from brain cancer, wanted to visit Margate, the seaside town of her childhood, one final time.

Her husband Jay even serenaded her on the seafront with his guitar and a rendition of Wonderful Tonight. 

Don’t give up the day job, Jay.


Tiffany was hit by a car on New Year's Eve in 1998

Tiffany was hit by a car on New Year’s Eve in 1998

On the ninth bong of Big Ben on New Year’s Eve 1998, in pursuit of husband Grant Mitchell (Ross Kemp) and their daughter Courtney, Tiffany Mitchell (Martine McCutcheon) was mown down and killed by Frank Butcher. 

Given that no one ever drives at more than 5mph on the Square, you can only think Tiffany shoulda gone to Specsavers.


Clayton got creepy in 2024

Clayton got creepy in 2024

In one of the show’s most disturbing storylines, elderly Yolande found the courage to disclose her abuse by creepy Gideon Clayton, the pastor of her prayer group whom she’d become close to. 

Sublimely played by Angela Wynter, it was an important storyline that in particular spoke to older victims.

24. YOU COW! 2008

Peggy and Pat had a disagreement in the Vic

Peggy and Pat had a disagreement in the Vic

On the day of wheeler dealer Frank Butcher’s funeral, his warring ex-wives reminisced as they buttered bread for guests.

Peggy Mitchell said it wasn’t Pat Butcher having sex with Frank that bothered her, even though she didn’t like to think about it (me, neither), it was Pat’s motive in wanting Frank to marry Peggy – to keep him close to her.

Then it turned really nasty. ‘You bitch!’ yelled Peggy, slapping Pat.

‘You cow!’ responded Pat (Pam St Clement), with the least convincing slap in the history of acting, missing Peggy’s cheek by several inches.

But it’s still one of the greatest-ever soap scraps!


Wellard the dog was Robbie's best pal

Wellard the dog was Robbie’s best pal 

The nation mourned when the original Wellard (a portmanteau of ‘well hard’), owned by Robbie, had to be euthanised after Bianca poisoned him by feeding him chocolate.

He’d been in the show for 14 years (cast at one year old, he was first played by Belgian Tervuren Zenna), making him one of the longest-running characters, and its longest-serving pet. 

You deserved to be in that lock-up, Bianca.
