Farmer Tony Martin who shot lifeless teen burglar ‘died a millionaire’ with thriller inheritor
A farmer who shot and killed a 16-year-old boy who was attempting to rob the man’s property has passed away – who will inherit his his multi-million pound estate remains a mystery
The convicted killer Tony Martin has left behind a very handsome inheritance of around £5million – but who will receive his estate remains a mystery.
The farmer shot and killed a 16-year-old with a pump action shotgun in August 1999 after the boy attempted to burgle the farmer’s house. Martin was initially jailed for murder, however, three years later his conviction was reduced to manslaughter and the farmer was released.
Earlier this month Martin passed away without a wife or any children and it remains unclear who will inherit his £4-5million estate. The will of the farmer has not been read yet and the Mirror reports a source close to the family has said: “No one knows where Tony’s money will end up.”
The source elaborated and said: “He was a very frugal man and not interested in money. He had no wife, or kids and was reclusively private so no one has a clue who he left his estate to as no one was close enough to him to be privy to his will.
“Whoever he named in the will later this year will have their life changed forever.”
In 2003 after being released from prison for the death of the 16-year-old, Martin said that he did not regret anything.
The shooting sparked a nationwide debate and divided the county on whether Martin’s actions were premediated or had just been in defence of himself and his property, reports Mail.
Attendees to Martin’s funeral such as his estranged brother, nieces, cousins and long-term house-keeper could potentially inherit millions from Martin’s property.
An auction has been arranged for the farmer’s working Land Rovers.
Friends of Martin have said he lived out his final years with the cars and with the money that has now been added to his will.
Brendon Fearon, who also broke into Martin’s home alongside the 16-year-old who was shot and killed, has said that he possesses “no anger” towards the farmer.
The man has said: “I’m not saying he should have shot someone dead, that’s wrong, but he felt persecuted by us and we shouldn’t have been there.”