
Woman embroiled in pet pug intercourse scandal likes chilling canine group on Facebook

Paige Reaney avoided jail after admitting to having sex with her pet pug Charlie on no fewer than five occasions between August 2019 and December 2022, but her Facebook activity leaves a lot to be desired

Paige Reaney has liked  the page
Paige Reaney has liked the page(Image: Facebook)

The infamous woman who had sex with her pet pug has been caught liking a chilling dog group on social media.

Paige Reaney, who was spared jail after pleading guilty to having sex with a “poor, helpless” pug named Charlie, previously posted photos of another dog on her social media. There is no suggestion she committed any sex acts on this particular dog, which appears to be a Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

Reaney, 33, was sentenced on Monday alongside her partner Graham Marshall, 39, whose “perverted” sexual fantasies drove the abuse of the pug at their home in Sheffield, South Yorks.

Judge Jeremy Richardson KC said he accepted there was a “level of coercion” when Marshall made Reaney engage in a range of sex acts with their pet, but she still retained some culpability. He told her: “You never refused any of those requests.”

Grim woman
Grim woman(Image: Tom Maddick / SWNS)

Reaney admitted bestiality and animal cruelty at a previous hearing, and was given a nine-month prison sentence, suspended for two years. And despite all of that, it now appears that she been liking a rather chilling Facebook group supporting banned dog breeds who have caused harm to humans.

Called DDA Watch, the page on Facebook belongs to a campaign group who claim to “organise peaceful campaign and awareness initiatives to lobby for a repeal of breed specific legislation and raise awareness on ‘dog law’ and related issues to policy makers, politicians, other organisations, public bodies, professionals and the public”.

We found this in her Facebook likes
We found this in her Facebook likes(Image: Facebook)

They add: “We spread awareness to the public regarding the unfairness, injustice and failure of Breed Specific Legislation as well as responsibilities under other laws relating to dogs.”

The group, which the Daily Star has seen featured among Reaney’s “likes”, is full of people calling for an end to the ban on the dangerous XL Bully breed of dog.

Ew.(Image: Facebook)

One post even shows a Valentine’s Day special “dog kissing booth” – which in the context of the Reaney case, is quite worrying.

Reaney was sentenced to a nine-month prison term, suspended for two years. She must complete 30 rehabilitation activity sessions and will be subject to notification requirements for 10 years. She has also been banned from keeping animals – but seems to still be loving dog-related things.

Marshall was jailed for five years. Judge Richardson said the freak “wallowed in a swamp of sexual depravity”.

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