Nudists assured they will keep starkers at homicide thriller pub evening with a distinction
A Nude-dunit-style mystery night is planned in Hampshire with an all inclusive buffet which means fans will be able to bare it all at a local pub to partake in the occasion
Fun-loving naturists are plotting a “Nude-dunit-style” murder mystery evening. Starkers fans are assured they will be able to stay “naked” throughout the murder-themed evening at a local boozer.
A blurb for the kit off to catch the killer social on the British Naturism website states: “We will have exclusive use of the function room at the pub. This is a fully self-contained area with its own toilets and bar which will be open throughout the evening which means that it will be possible to be naked throughout the event.
“This will be a great opportunity to catch up with friends and meet new ones in a naturist setting and enjoy a Murder Mystery evening.”
Guests will also be treated to an inclusive in the buff buffet at the 6-10pm get together. Tickets are £23 for BN members, £25 for non-members for the event at the Mill Arms in Dunbridge, Hampshire, on Saturday, March 22.
The pub’s website states the function room can cater to 120 guests while the venue boasts “six en-suite bedrooms with newly installed showers and light modern furniture”.
The nearby market town boasts a series of activities for visitors and Dunbridge is a popular meeting spot for walkers visiting the New Forest.
Those interested in taking part are advised to contact British Naturism.
Last month we revealed naturists had been “banned from a beach amid claims of “lewd behaviour”.
Shocked dog walkers told of naked visitors committing “acts of self-gratification in public” at a popular spot in Lowestoft Suffolk.
One man was accused of parading along the shore while “shaking his bits about”.