
Average man transforms into ‘supermodel’ – the ‘looksmaxxing’ strategies he used to alter his face and physique revealed: ‘Anyone can do it’

Going from ‘ugly to supermodel’ in just a year is within the reach of any man, according to an online video guide. 

The clip, which has been viewed almost 150,000 times, has forensically broken down the simple three steps reportedly used by social media influencer Baby Stickley.

Stickley, now 19, has amassed 17million followers across social media after going viral earlier this year by posting astonishing before and after pictures of himself as a young teen versus today. 

His transformation is said to be a result of ‘looksmaxxing’, a popular trend among young men, whereby they use every method possible to maximise their physical appeal. 

According to a YouTube channel dedicated to the craze, Stickley used three steps to go from ‘average to supermodel’.

These include bizarre techniques like using thumbs to reshape the jawline, a mathematical equation to choose a haircut that suits you, and specific eye movements to alter the browline. 

The first step the clip highlights is to boost the production of the male sex hormone testosterone through diet and exercise, something it claims is the foundation for the other parts of the guide.

‘Having high amounts of this hormone is crucial to even consider glowing up,’ the video states. 

The clip, which has been viewed almost 150,000 times, has forensically broken down the simple three steps used by social media influencer Baby Stickley

The clip, which has been viewed almost 150,000 times, has forensically broken down the simple three steps used by social media influencer Baby Stickley

The clip claims that Stickley committed to regular resistance training, where people use weights to build muscle, five times a week. 

‘What Baby Stickley did was high-intensity lifting five times a week because this will stimulate something called a body recomposition,’ they said.

‘This body recomposition will literally force out testosterone production out of you,’ he said. 

Testosterone plays a role in muscle and bone development as well as how fat is distributed around the body. 

This can change the appearance of the face making it more angular and masculine. 

However, the guide says this exercise must be matched with a change in diet. 

They claimed men who want to maximise their testosterone must cut out processed foods and carbohydrates like bread and pasta.

Instead, the video says they should opt for a diet rich in red meat, eggs, fruit and dairy.

‘When Stickley changed his diet his body and his face literally shape-shifted to a new level,’ they said. 

The clip claims Stickley has a desirable trait called 'hunter eyes' which is where the upper eyelid is almost invisible behind the brow which make him 'much more attractive and masculine'.

The clip claims Stickley has a desirable trait called ‘hunter eyes’ which is where the upper eyelid is almost invisible behind the brow which make him ‘much more attractive and masculine’.

‘The diet you’re going to follow is high in natural protein, high in healthy fats and low in carbs.’

‘To build muscle and activate body recomposition you need to consume 1.2g of protein per pound of body weight.’

For the average British man this is equivalent to eating 150g of protein per day, an entire steak.  

Step two of the guide is using facial exercises to alter the shape of your eyebrows and choosing a hairstyle using a mathematical equation. 

The clip claims Stickley has a desirable trait called ‘hunter eyes’ which is where the upper eyelid is almost invisible behind the brow and making him ‘much more attractive and masculine’.

To develop hunter eyes the clip claims the influencer used a method called UUDD, standing for up-up-down-down, to reduce the distance between his eyes and his eyebrows.

It involves moving your eyebrows up as hard as you can, followed by looking up as high as you can.

Then, a person brings their eyebrows down followed by their eyes.

‘According to Stickley, this supposedly reduces your upper eyelid exposure thus giving you a hunter eye look and an irresistibly masculine and therefore attractive appearance,’ the clip states. 

The video also claims the influencer used his FWHR, or facial width to height ratio, to choose the perfect hairstyle to accentuate his face shape. 

FWHR is measured by dividing the width of the face by its height. 

According to proponents a result larger than 1.75 means a person is better suited for long hair styles.

On the other hand, a FWHR less than 1.75 means long hair will make your face look longer, and less aesthetically pleasing, so these should opt for shorter hair.

‘Clearly Stickley has a FWHR value bigger than 1.75 which is why he looks a lot more attractive with longer hair,’ the clip states.  

‘His overall look became much more seductive and attractive since he clearly chose a hairstyle that fits with his facial harmony,’ the clip states. 

The final step is a physical method to change the jaw called thumbpulling, which the clip described as the deciding factor giving Stickley his supermodel visage. 

‘His prominent jawline and sharp bone structure is the one thing that got him to where he is now,’ the video says. 

Thumbpulling, as the name suggests, supposedly uses the thumbs to force the upper jaw to grow outwards, bringing the rest of the face with it and creating a stronger more defined jawline.

In practice it involves placing the thumbs on the roof of the mouth, behind the top row of teeth, and then pulling upwards and forwards while tucking your chin into your neck at the same time.

‘Hold this for 30 seconds to a minute and do three sets of this every night before you sleep,’ the clip advises.

There no studies assessing the effectiveness or safety of thumbpulling.

Looksmaxxing as a trend has been mired in controversy, with critics warning it is fuelling self-esteem issues and body dysphoria in young men.

Some subgenres of the trend, such as ‘starvemaxxing’, have promoted dangerous advice in the past such as skipping meals to create a sleeker look.

Others advocate for serious plastic surgery procedures to change the structure of the face.