
British Ufologist calls on President Trump to launch the JFK and secret UFO recordsdata

Mark Christopher Lee, who is convinced that we are not alone in the universe, says that the JFK assassination files and UFOs are linked, and their release should be sped up

Mark Christopher Lee is calling on President Trump to speed up the release of the JFK assassination files(Image: AFP via Getty Images)

A British ufologist is calling on President Trump to speed up the release of the JFK assassination files, and to arrange the full disclosure of the truth about UFOs to the world.

Film-maker Mark Christopher Lee, who strongly believes that mankind is not alone in the universe, says that the US files are somehow linked to one another. He says that just as John F Kennedy (JFK) was getting close to finding out the truth about unidentified anomalous phenomena, he was killed.

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“From my own investigations I believe there is a connection between the assassination of JFK, RFK (Robert F Kennedy) and Marilyn Monroe, and UFOs,” he said.

Mark Christopher Lee
Lee says that the US files are somehow linked to one another.

“A document known as the ‘burned memo’ was released in 2011 purporting to be from JFK requesting a review by the FBI of all their files relating to UFOs. Ten days later Kennedy was assassinated.

“Before this Marilyn Monroe who was the alleged lover of both JFK and RFK was going to hold a press conference and allegedly reveal the truth about UFOs, which she had learned from both the Kennedy brothers.

Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe was ‘going to hold a press conference and allegedly reveal the truth about UFOs’(Image: Corbis via Getty Images)

“She died the weekend before this press conference and some say she was deliberately killed to keep the UFO subject secret and the truth be kept form the American people.”

He added: “This truth about UFOs doesn’t necessarily mean we are being visited by aliens from another planet. It could be a number of things and after speaking with Prof Simon Holland (former BBC Science Editor and NASA film-maker) he suggested that a lot of UFOs are actually man-made super secret advanced technology – and that ever since the Manhattan project and the development of the Atom bomb – the military have wanted to weaponise physics.

Lee believes there is a connection between the assassination of JFK, RFK and Marilyn Monroe, and UFOs(Image: Time & Life Pictures/Getty Image)

“This weaponisation of physics has allegedly led to anti gravity craft and other exotic technologies which have been developed by unregulated departments in the US military that don’t have to answer to the president.

“This technology could have been behind the Roswell crash as well as our own Rendlesham UFO incident from 1980 where Prof Holland alleges that the US and UK were testing out a new weapon and which led to the Prime Minister at the time, Margaret Thatcher, saying about it: ‘You can’t tell the people’.”

Lee also recently spoke about about his belief that extraterrestrials will be in touch in the next 12 to 18 months.

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And he believes King Charles should lead the delegation of humans at the earth-shattering summit.

The 76-year-old monarch has a keen interest in ETs, and Lee, who featured the monarch’s love of aliens in a recent documentary, reckons HRH would be perfect to represent the human race when outer beings make first contact with Earth.