
Living Nostradamus says Elon Musk would possibly by accident put us in contact with aliens

EXCLUSIVE: The ‘modern-day Nostradamus’ reckons that some of the technology the world’s richest man Elon Musk is working on could inadvertently connect us with ET and his space mates

Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX, speaks during the Satellite 2020 at the Washington Convention Center on March 9, 2020
Elon Musk’s company Neuralink is working on brain chips(Image: AFP via Getty Images)

The ‘modern-day Nostradamus’ says Elon Musk might accidentally put us in touch with aliens. Athos Salomé, 38, reckons the world’s richest loudmouth Musk is hiding something sneaky up his sleeve when it comes to his Neuralink company, which is working on brain implants.

Tech boffins call the devices ‘implantable brain–computer interfaces’ (BCIs) and Neuralink said in February this year that it had successfully implanted the first ever human brain chip. The company also hopes to help people with paralysis move again or operate with just their thoughts.

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Now Salomé – the Brazilian ‘prophet’ and ‘Living Nostradamus’ who says he brilliantly foresaw that the 96-year-old Queen Elizabeth II might die, the Covid pandemic and Mad Vlad’s invasion of Ukraine – reckons Musk is looking for some alien connections with his Neuralink chips.

Athos Salomé
Salomé reckons we might one day be able to connect with telepathic aliens(Image: Athos Salome)

“If we analyse Carl Jung’s ideas about the collective unconscious or the theories of the quantum mind, which postulate that consciousness may not be confined to the brain, Neuralink could act as a bridge to altered states of perception,” he told us.

“This opens up fascinating questions: would it be possible to access akashic records, non-local memories or even intelligences that transcend our dimension?”

In more penetrable language, Salomé thinks people’s thoughts stored in a theoretical kind of library could be accessed.

One alien with big eyes
ET might be able to phone home using his brain one day (illustration, not a real alien)(Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

It is this sort of thing that makes Salomé think Musk might unwittingly create a “tool for interacting with alien intelligences or other civilisations”.

He said: “Theories about the existence of advanced civilisations suggest that they could communicate telepathically or by means unknown to conventional science. If Neuralink can allow the human mind to connect to larger information networks than are currently accessible, could we actually be preparing for unprecedented contact with extraterrestrial intelligences?”

Basically, Salomé reckons the development of technology that attempts to use some form of what boffins call “telepathy” could open the way to communicating across different dimensions.

Graphic of implant in human brain
We don’t know too much about the use of implants in human brains just yet(Image: Getty Images)

The Daily Star admits that if such a theory could be true, watching the average Brit’s thoughts filter into ET’s mind as he has his morning space porridge could be very cool.

Will this ever come true? Time, if there really is such a thing at all, will tell.

Salomé has previously said he tried to warn King Charles III about prostate-related wellness issues together with Royal Family breakdowns but “received no attention”.

Robot hand holding computer chip between thumb and forefinger
Could BCIs be the future?(Image: Getty Images)

He said that Kate’s role from March to December 2025 may shift due to possible changes in protocol or an increase in the Princess of Wales’ public visibility during this critical period for the monarchy.

“A fragile health condition of King Charles bears significant consequences for both the United Kingdom and international community,” added Salomé.

“A worsening medical state experienced by Charles may speed up succession arrangements which will boost the Prince William’s standing within the British monarchy.

“The prince will further extend his official responsibilities by acting as the representative ambassador for Britain at global international events.

“The possible death of the monarch, if it occurs, will probably trigger a period of national mourning, affecting the country’s political and cultural agenda. Public events may be cancelled or adapted, reflecting the mood of grief among British citizens.”

Salomé says he “uses spiritual scientific and intuitive methods” which enable him to “correctly predict global events in advance with exceptional accuracy”.

We’re not sure if this extends to next week’s lottery numbers.

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