
Lord Coe supplied an opportunity for actual change however Olympics chiefs voted for extra of the identical with Kirsty Coventry, writes MIKE KEEGAN

  • Lord Coe campaigned with the intention of protecting women in the Olympics
  • Kirsty Coventry’s record as sports minister in Zimbabwe leaves lots to be desired

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Did anyone get fooled again? It certainly felt like it.

A ballot some thought would last two hours and run to as many as six rounds finished in 120 seconds after just one.

An emphatic victory for the establishment that left the English hopeful, Lord Coe no less, blown out of the water. World Cup 2018, anyone?

Zimbabwe’s Kirsty Coventry, the heiress apparent to the outgoing Thomas Bach, strolled to the platform to deliver an acceptance speech devoid of emotion. She had picked up 49 votes from 97, no more and no fewer than the figure needed for an absolute majority.

It was almost as if, at a hotel on Greece’s south coast frequented by Hollywood stars, this was part of a pre-determined script. There was even the plot twist of ‘technical glitches’ for two IOC members, triggering a short delay.

Coe, on his platform of reform, had managed to secure the grand total of eight votes to finish third. Albeit hindsight is always useful, some wondered why anyone had ever thought the turkeys would vote for Christmas.

Lord Coe offered us a chance for real change at the Olympics but was denied the presidency

Lord Coe offered us a chance for real change at the Olympics but was denied the presidency

Instead, IOC chiefs overwhelmingly voted in Kirsty Coventry - a bland candidate with a patchy background in a repressive regime

Instead, IOC chiefs overwhelmingly voted in Kirsty Coventry – a bland candidate with a patchy background in a repressive regime 

Words almost as bland as those in her manifesto followed from Coventry. The 41-year-old former swimmer, sports minister of a regime subject to US and UK sanctions and led by an 82-year-old nicknamed the Crocodile (who initially took power after a military coup in 2017 that ousted Robert Mugabe), claimed her victory meant that ‘glass ceilings have been shattered’.

She becomes the first female leader in the IOC’s 131-year history, that much is true. But few will be fooled by that. This does not appear to be a step forward or a moment to be celebrated.

Critics in Coventry’s homeland, should they feel emboldened to comment, may point to her track record out of the pool. She is a minister in a regime appointed in elections human rights campaigners described as ‘neither free nor fair’ and ‘a gigantic sham’. A regime that often responds to criticism by throwing those voicing concerns in jail.

Since 2022, and on her watch, Zimbabwe was banned for 18 months by FIFA for government interference. It is not able to host a national team match because its stadium has been deemed unfit for use by the African Confederation. Boxing is also thought to have suffered. Some sports minister.

Her boss, Emmerson Mnangagwa, the Crocodile, snapped when asked why he extended her term, replying that when someone else is elected they can make the decisions.

‘I get criticised and that’s OK,’ Coventry told a post-ballot press conference when quizzed about the obvious issues in her own country. ‘I don’t think you can stand on the sidelines and shout for change. You need to be at the table.’

It is a valid point, but that change does not appear to have been forthcoming. The UK Government say their sanctions are aimed at encouraging Zimbabwe ‘to comply with international human rights law and respect for human rights’. The EU have an embargo on arms and equipment ‘which might be used for internal repression’.

Coventry will face a volatile geopolitical situation elsewhere. Top of the new president’s in-tray may well be the American problem or, more specifically, the Donald Trump problem.

Coe campaigned with the determination to protect women's rights but gained just eight votes

Coe campaigned with the determination to protect women’s rights but gained just eight votes

Coventry has backed a blanket ban for trans athletes from all female events but was part of the IOC board which approved the rules for boxing at the 2024 Paris Games

Coventry has backed a blanket ban for trans athletes from all female events but was part of the IOC board which approved the rules for boxing at the 2024 Paris Games 

In 2028 the Games will head to Los Angeles and some Olympic watchers are concerned Trump’s tariffs and hawkish stance on China will lead to boycotts and issues for athletes attempting to gain entry to the US.

At least Coventry has experience pandering to political leaders with challenging personalities. Mugabe branded her the nation’s golden girl following her success in Beijing in 2008. He also handed her a suitcase containing $100,000 (£55,000 at the time) when she landed a gold and three silvers.

‘When it comes to the USA and LA, I have been dealing with, let’s say, difficult men in high positions since I was 20 years old,’ she said.

‘Communication will be key and that will happen early on. My firm belief is President Trump is a huge lover of sports. He will want these Games to be a success. We will not waver from our values. Ensuring that every athlete that qualifies for the Olympic Games has the possibility to attend the Olympic Games.’

That last comment is unlikely to be music to the ears of those who compete in women’s categories, who believe the Games’ ‘if it says female on their passport then they’re in’ policy – which saw two boxers win gold in Paris despite complaints over their eligibility – should be changed.

Lord Coe put a brave face on it, stating that he was pleased ‘a fellow athlete’ had prevailed. Was it a clean fight? ‘Oh, it’s an election,’ he responded. He did at least call for a more open and flexible process. Is Coventry a candidate for change or continuity? ‘Oh, I don’t know,’ he added.

Perhaps the most telling answer came when Coe was asked if he would do anything differently. ‘You can only do what’s in front of you,’ the 68-year-old said. ‘What I tried to do was to understand what the challenges were, articulate them, then it was up to the membership. It’s fairly simple.’

Coventry was part of the IOC executive board which approved the participation of Imane Khelif (pictured) and Lin Yu-ting

Coventry was part of the IOC executive board which approved the participation of Imane Khelif (pictured) and Lin Yu-ting 

Laurel Hubbard was the first openly transgender athlete to compete in the Olympics in 2021

Laurel Hubbard was the first openly transgender athlete to compete in the Olympics in 2021 

Taiwanese boxer Lin's inclusion at the Paris Olympics came after she was reported to have failed a gender test in 2023, leading her to be banned by the IBA

Taiwanese boxer Lin’s inclusion at the Paris Olympics came after she was reported to have failed a gender test in 2023, leading her to be banned by the IBA

The suspicion is that much of that membership had ears only for one man. Bach consistently failed to shoot down claims he had been lobbying for Coventry. That this was his parting shot, a securing of his legacy.

Around 74 per cent of the IOC membership has been elected since his arrival in 2013. The reality is Bach was always in a strong position to influence what happened next and the German could not resist a sly dig at Coe on his way out.

Asked if the Englishman would have any complaints, he declared: ‘There is a good democratic rule: when you don’t win an election you don’t blame the voters, you don’t blame the process.’

When he hands over the reins in June he can sleep easy. Under Coventry there is likely to be no need to look Bach in anger.