The hidden indicators in your house that show you are ‘center class’ – as nosey company spill what they discover first
- People from modest upbringings have shared the signs of middle class wealth
- They shared the subtle things they noticed in ‘richer’ people’s homes
Two-storey homes, fridges with water dispensers, three-ply toilet paper and fresh fruits and vegetables are among the subtle signs of middle class wealth, according to those who grew up in more modest upbringings.
A curious man sparked a discussion when he asked everyone to list the little luxuries that people from lower-income backgrounds notice in middle-class homes.
Nearly 5,500 people responded, with common answers focusing on the kitchen – things like a fridge full for food, walk-in pantries, dishwashers, fresh produce and bowls overflowing with fruit on the counter.
‘Growing up in the 80s and 90s, I will tell you what I remember most about the middle class houses was the amount of fresh fruit and veggies they always had. Large bowl on the counter, plenty in the fridge and pantry. Not cheap food,’ one shared.
‘My mum refused to get fruit because it was expensive and we ate it ‘too fast’. I’d go to my childhood best friend’s house and gorge on fruit… It really hit me when I was babysitting for a well-off family and saw the meal plan for the week. There was fresh fruit every single day. Blew my mind,’ another revealed.
‘An old friend of mine, whenever I went to his house, it just blew my mind back in high school. Two fridges full of food, a full walk-in pantry. His dad sold cars so I knew they were fairly well off, but that alone always caught my attention most,’ one said.
Good quality toilet paper was a sign of being middle class, according to one person who grew up with a single mum who always purchased the cheapest option.
‘I still distinctly remember when I visited a middle class friend’s house and saw triple ply for the first time. My brain told me it was some sort of towel material and I was super f***ing confused for a second,’ one recalled.

Two-storey homes, fridges with water dispensers, three-ply toilet paper and fresh fruits and vegetables are among the little luxurious found in middle class homes, according to those who grew up in more modest upbringings
One mum, who described her family as ‘toilet paper snobs’ said her stepdaughter once asked if she was allowed to take a pack back to her single mum’s house.
‘I had to make up a reason to say no, simply because it seemed it would have caused a reaction with her mum. I mean, I get it, it’s expensive for a single mum,’ she said.
‘I wouldn’t be buying it either if it wasn’t in the budget. But that was just one of those ‘you think your dad and his new bitch’s house is so much better’ kind of situations.’
Two-storey homes were frequently mentioned as a sign of wealth.
‘Growing up, I always thought my friends that had ‘stairs, also known as a two storey single family home, were RICH rich honey! Y’all got two whole floors? It’s like a house on top of a house,’ one said.
‘My six-year-old thought we are poorer now than when he was younger because we sold our not very nice two-storey house in the city and had a one storey home built in a rural area. It took awhile for him to understand that we want a one storey home for accessibility when we are elderly,’ another shared.
‘I thought people that had a finished basement, and a fridge with an ice maker and an attached garage were rich,’ one suggested.
If you had big brand snacks in your lunchbox growing up, you were considered middle class.

A fridge with built-in ice and water dispenser was considered sign of middle class wealth
‘My mother bought generic everything and insisted it was ‘just the same.’ That generic peanut butter was disgusting, not ‘the same’ at all,’ one raged.
‘We were a ‘bottom shelf, bagged cereal’ family when I was growing up. My husband is also boggled that I can just munch on milk less cereal, like dude, there were times milk wasn’t an option?’ another shared.
Many said that anyone who could afford to hire someone to ‘fix’ broken things at their home were in the middle class bracket.
‘As a kid, I accidentally put my hand through my bedroom window trying to open it. A guy named Cheeto came to fix it. He took the window out and was supposed to come back the next day to put in the replacement. It was a taped tarp hole for weeks. We were poor, clearly. I don’t think Cheeto was qualified,’ one shared.

Good quality toilet paper was a sign of being middle class, according to one person who grew up with a single mum who always purchased the cheapest option
Kids having their own rooms, guest bathrooms or master bedrooms with en-suites were luxuries that people from lower-income backgrounds often never experienced.
Meanwhile, many who have been fortunate enough to live on a middle class income said they felt grateful for what they have been able to afford.
‘I was just humbled. I’ve got a big pantry full of food and two refrigerators full of food yet caught myself whining I didn’t have anything good to snack on. This thread made me smack some sense into myself… I am grateful for my blessings,’ one said.
‘It’s amazing having a second fridge for drinks like beers, soda and sparkling water. I sometimes bitch when main fridge doesn’t have any more drinks and I have to go grab some from the second fridge. That’s some privileged s*** and I have to check myself when I complain about stupid s***,’ another confessed.