Blood-soaked wrestler, 27, electrocutes his personal father with bounce leads within the ring in ‘most ugly “death match” ever’
A blood-soaked wrestler electrocuted his own father with jump leads and a car battery in the ring.
Jack Harrop, 27, fought his father in what has been dubbed the ‘most gruesome ‘death match’ ever’.
The young man could be seen connecting jump leads to a battery in the middle of the ring in the Peddler Events Warehouse in Sheffield.
He then clipped them to metal chains that acted as ring ropes.
This was during a brutal match with his father Isaac Harrop, who is known as the ‘Iceman’.
He is considered to be the founder of ‘death matches’ in the UK.
But in the brutal footage posted online, Harrop was chained to the ring ropes by his son.
Blood poured down his face and sparks were seen flying across the chains.

A blood-soaked wrestler electrocuted his own father with jump leads and a car battery

Blood poured down his face and sparks were seen flying across the chains
He then appeared to be electrocuted in front of the crowds in South Yorkshire.
The shocking scenes were part of a weekend-long event jointly hosted by the ICW No Holds Barred and Leeds-based Rise England promotions.
It promised to be the ‘most violent set of shows’ they’d ever hosted in the UK.
On top of the electrocution incident, other brawls featured people being slammed through tables and beaten with sticks covered in sharp barbed wire.
But some online were left disgusted by the violent fights. One slammed it as ‘dumb’ while others said: ‘This isn’t wrestling.’
Death-match wrestling leaves the opponents in a mess of beaten flesh and bruised bones.
Three years ago, a ‘death match’ where two blood-soaked wrestlers attacked each other with a garden strimmer and glass in front of children was investigated by police.
Gruesome footage showed the horror fight between wrestlers Ronnie Thatcher and Blizzard that took place on April 29, 2022, at Seaham Conservative Club in County Durham.
Children were seen staring in shock as blood trickles down the wrestlers while they beat each other with glass lighting tubes and wooden sticks.
The Colliery Championship Wrestling event was billed as a ‘Pits of Punishment’ fight and offered a family discount for parents wanting to bring their children.
But members of the audience were left open-mouthed and gasping, with some even moving away from the violence and try to get to the back of the room.
One of the wrestlers has since admitted they ‘went overboard’ – but is f****** sick of apologising’.
While the event organisers have confirmed ‘there will not be a repeat’ of what unfolded.

Gruesome footage from the event, held at Seaham Conservative Club in County Durham on April 29, 2022, shows the wrestlers using a garden strimmer to cut each other on a carpeted floor just inches away from the stunned audience
The promoter James Barrass claimed the wrestlers only suffered from a ‘couple of scratches here and there’.
Teesside-based wrestler Benji condemned the violence that took place in front of children as he shared some of the footage online.
He said: ‘Please don’t do death matches on a family friendly show. There’s a time and place and this is definitely not it.
‘Families and venues don’t see company names they just see ”The Wrestling” this isn’t what we need.’
He continued: ‘The videos I’ve seen there was a mother shielding their child’s face as glass and blood went everywhere.
‘They got lucky this time and the wrestlers only got cuts and bruises but what if the untrained cowboys lost an eye or worse.
‘CCW didn’t hold their hands up they said the fans like it, the venue didn’t mind and the wrestlers went into business for themselves and it got out of hand… Yet they want to run 18+ death matches.’
However, one of the wrestlers, Ronnie Thatcher, posted a video to Facebook in which he said he is ‘f****** sick of apologising’ about the event.
He said: ‘I have apologised and apologised, numerous f****** times right. How many more times do I need to apologise?
‘CCW has promised this will never happen again. Me and Blizzard went overboard, we understand that, we’ve apologised.

Teesside-based wrestler Benji brought light to the horrific event on social media as he posted shocking video footage to his profile
‘We can apologise until we’re blue in the face, is it going to change everybody’s minds? No. Why? Because some people think that they’re perfect, that they haven’t done nothing wrong in their lives.
‘No one in their life has been perfect. We make mistakes in our lives, some more than others… but we learn…
‘I am f****** sick of apologising, I am f****** sick of people making us out to be bad guys all the f****** time.’
And the event’s promoter, James Barrass, posted a video online with Ronnie Thatcher saying it was ‘on famillies’ to leave.
He said: ‘We are a family show don’t get me wrong. That was on families. We put a full show on…
‘This was kind of a dark match, kind of unsanctioned, kind of out of my hands, I wanted you to fight, we knew what it was.
‘What I have said is in life we live we learn and we move on. We don’t always get it right, and if we do how will we ever learn?
‘I don’t wanna associate with them kind of people, I want to associate with people who put their hands up and say they have made a mistake. I don’t want goody two shoes hanging around me.’
The wrestling group later posted to Facebook to confirm that no similar events will be hosted again.
The post read: ‘There will be no repeat of went down at PITS OF PUNISHMENT like what we saw between Ronnie and Blizzard again. It will only take place in over 18 shows (yes you can screenshot this for twitter).
‘The match was only supposed to be a doors match, where both men took it upon themselves to take things to another level. We apologise to everyone this may have upset and we will make sure this will never happen again.
‘We are very sorry, and all we can do is make things right.’