Brit influencer, 29, preventing for her life after discovered unconscious with organ failure
Paramedics rushed her Ashley Surcombe to hospital and she is currently in a Seoul intensive care unit suffering from severe dehydration and multiple organ failure after she was found unconscious
A British influencer is fighting for her life in a hospital in Seoul, South Korea, after she was found unconscious in her apartment with severe organ failure and a black eye.
Ashley Surcombe, 29, was found by police who had to break into her apartment. Her worried parents Karen and Nigel had called them via a friend when she had failed to reply to messages and calls. Ashley, originally from Evesham, Worcestershire, has lived in South Korea for five years. Her father has flown out to the country to be with his daughter.
A friend of the family contacted police on their behalf, before officers got into her apartment and found her unconscious on the bathroom floor.
Ashley, who has 465,000 followers on Instagram, lives alone in the apartment, and there were no signs of forced entry, according to the Daily Mail.
Kat Surcombe, 33, Ashley’s sister, said: “About a week ago she told us she hit her head against the door and got a nasty bruise on her eye.
“Her blood sugar levels are very low and when we spoke with her on Saturday, she seemed confused, and you could barely see her lips she was so dehydrated.”
Kat said she was supposed speak with her sister at 8pm on Sunday (Korean time) but she never answered.
Ashley has over 1million followers across social media, and she is fluent in Korean. She had planned to travel across the country and Southeast Asia, to write about her experiences online.
But there is no indication as to when she may be released and her parents are facing extortionate hospital bills as Ashley’s insurance had expired.
Her sister Kat said that an ICU stay is £1,500 a day and once Ashley is stabilised it will drop to £500. They have also had to cover the cost of X rays, blood tests and scans which add up to over £1000.
Ashley’s family have set up a GoFundMe page to help cover some of the costs with a £50,000 target.
Kat added: “It’s been very difficult, it’s been a shock for all of us, we all just want her home, she’s my baby sister and I want to give her the biggest cuddle and tell her that I love her.”
Kat said her parents had to pay a £3,000 deposit, which was swallowed up in just the first day.
They would then have to think about a flight home when Ashley gets better.
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