
Ultimate tea-dunking biscuit debate as Daily Star’s specialists nominate the ten finest

EXCLUSIVE: The Daily Star’s resident ‘I love to talk about food and need to write more about it’ expert Adam Cailler has pestered the Daily Star’s team about the best dunkable biscuits

Abi Hunt
Introducing Abi Hunt’s mid-dunk facial expression(Image: Daily Star )

Biscuits – everyone loves them. But which one is the perfect one for dunking in your tea? Well, its these kinds of hard-hitting questions that make the Daily Star’s team of hungry and thirsty slaves/journalists go into overdrive to find out the answers… all in the name of public service.

So with that in mind, we’ve compiled the thoughts and feelings (brain farts?) of our team to see what they all think is the perfect dunker. The variety of answers is wild, and contains some interesting tips on just how to use certain biscuits in certain beverage-drinking situations.

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Whether or not you choose to heed that advice is up to you, but please do not sue is if you injure yourself when carrying out said advice. Anyway, enough of that, let’s sort the KitKat from the HobNob and see what our team loves to nibble on.

The perfect straw
The perfect straw(Image: Publicity Picture)

Kelly Williams – Nan knows best

This is probably going to sound gross, but I stand by it. And no one should knock it until they try it. My nan and I used to bite the ends off Chocolate fingers and use them as a straw to drink tea.

Not quite dunking, but the ‘straw’ would melt into a taste sensation. Added bonus was there was no soggy biscuit mush left at the bottom of the cup.

This is Jess. Jess loves a good KitKat Chunky
Jess demonstrates her fool-proof tea-drinking method(Image: Daily Star )

Jess Fitch – The final straw

I stand by this – a KitKat chunky. The method is as follows: bite both ends off of the chunky and then proceed to drink out of your tea, using it as a straw. The middle melts making it more ooey and gooey. It’s delicious and a fun activity; however, not mess proof.

A controversial choice
Abi flaunts one of her favourite dunkers(Image: Daily Star )

Abi Hunt – No expense spared

No one can deny the posh ones are the best dunkers. Take the beautiful Fox’s Melts – that sleek sandwich-shaped biscuit just oozes sex appeal and is 100% my favourite biscuit to get soggy from what can only be a strong Yorkshire cup of tea.

Ashley's a Custard Cream fan
Ashley looking like a cat with with all the (custard) cream(Image: Daily Star )

Ashley Pemberton – Knows a thing or 10 about tea

Custard creams are my favourite. The double biscuit makes them more durable and the buttercream sandwiched between them is a gift from the gods. I drink about 10 brews a day and can polish off a full packet in a matter of days.

I start off with the hard stuff, coffee, early doors to get through the morning and then shift to Barry’s Tea in the afternoon. After about 3pm, I switch to decaf otherwise I’ll never sleep, and I have to a cup of tea before bed.

It’s very rare any of these brews are not accompanied by a biscuit. An honourable mention must go to chocolate Oaties from Aldi too.

Vince and Rich Tea biscuits have an emotional connection
Vince and Rich Tea biscuits have an emotional connection(Image: Daily Star )

Vince Soodin – Clue’s in the name

Has to be McVitie’s Rich Tea for me. Tea was only invented so we could dunk the generational baked treat into it.I also like them as an energy snack before my Sunday morning veterans’ football games. I enjoy them so much, I can actually eat them dry. No dunk.

A controversial choice
A real fox in the box for Abi(Image: Fox’s)

Andrew Gilpin – Tank you for the tip

I weep for you, my foolhardy chums. The ONLY correct answer to this is a Foxes Viennese Milk Chocolate. It’s the tank of biscuits. The armadillo. The adamantium claws of dunking. This rock hard outer shell houses milk chocolate. Tea? Means nothing to this fella, it barely even gets wet.

You will get RSI from dunking before this bad boy gets bothered. It laughs in the face of dipping, submerging, plunging, immersing, ducking and wetting.

Dan Saunders – Calcium is king

Simply it’s the Malted Milk classic bikkie, this instantly identifiable bordered cow logo lip smacker, gives its dunker a reinforced backbone, which will hold up to even the most extreme risk taking dunker. No other biscuit can boast such an infrastructure, and gripage! You are more likely to suffer third degree burns to your pinkies than to lose your elevenses….

Jack Wetherill/JD – Whatever floats your oat

A chocolate Hob Nob dipped in a (not too hot) cup of tea is perfection. Melts the chocolate a bit and makes the biscuit soft enough that it stops the crunchy bits getting stuck in your teeth for hours afterwards.

Everyone loves a good biscuit
McVitie’s classics are a favourite of several team members(Image: Getty Images)

Joshua Whorms – No frills dunking

Clearly the best biscuit to dunk in a cuppa has to be a smooth, slender dark and chocolatey McVitie’s Digestive. No biscuit known to man soaks in the perfect amount of tea like McVitie’s finest.

The beautiful checker texture just adds to the euphoric taste and put bluntly there’s no other think I’d want in my mouth whilst enjoying a cuppa.

Layla Nicholson – Made of stronger stuff

Chocolate digestive! It has both the structural integrity and taste needed of a good dunker. Overall, any chocolate biscuit is superior and anyone who votes for a Rich Tea must never be trusted.

Why would you play with fire like that? It’s like the re-enactment of the titanic but in biscuit form – DEPRESSING.

Tom McGhie – Gonna need a bigger mug

If no-one’s ever dunked a Wagon Wheel then I’m afraid you’re trapped on square one of the Monopoly Board of Existence. Providing your mugs’ rims are wide enough (important), then this magical experience can be yours to enjoy every afternoon.

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You get melted chocolate sensation, glorious biscuit munch and an otherworldly marshmallow hit in quick succession, and before you can say ‘magnificent’ you’re already ripping open the next one.

Ruby Naldrett – Not having it full stop

The best biscuit to dunk is… absolutely none of them! The chaotic combination of a soggy biscuit mixed with a cup full of wet crumbs is the stuff of nightmares. Unhinged behaviour that I will not partake in.

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