
Video shows horrific racist and sexual abuse hurled at two NYPD officers

A horrifying video showing two NYPD officers being racially and sexually harassed in the street has emerged and lays bare in unavoidable terms the lack of respect for cops in the city and in many others across America.

The video was shared on Twitter yesterday and admonished by the Detectives Endowment Association, one of the largest police unions in New York City

It shows a black male cop and Hispanic female cop trying to speak with several people in the street, but being berated with insults and racist slurs. 

The man behind the camera called the male officer the N-word, the female a ‘fake Puerto Rican’, and in one disgusting aside, told her to ‘suck his black d**k b***h’. 

More distressing than the foul-mouthed tirade is the officers’ response – they calmly walked away, without so much as raising their voices. 

The black male cop and Hispanic female cop were subjected to vile racist and sexual harassment in the street while giving a man a ticket

The black male cop and Hispanic female cop were subjected to vile racist and sexual harassment in the street while giving a man a ticket

The black male cop and Hispanic female cop were subjected to vile racist and sexual harassment in the street while giving a man a ticket

The Detectives' Endowment Association, one of the largest unions in NYC, said the video illustrated how woke politicians are sending a message to New Yorkers that criminals will be protected over cops

The Detectives’ Endowment Association, one of the largest unions in NYC, said the video illustrated how woke politicians are sending a message to New Yorkers that criminals will be protected over cops 

‘This is the environment created by politicians who believe in coddling criminals and casting aside victims — in NO CONSEQUENCES. 

 Verbal harassment of police officers in nothing new, but it has become more common and more venomous in the last several years as American law enforcement is vilified in the media and by activists and politicians who wrongly claim police officers are a danger to their communities
Sergeant Betsy Brantner-Smith, spokeswoman for the National Police Association

‘Nobody should be surprised, and no cop should be subjected to this. 

‘New Yorkers are watching and continue to live in fear,’ the police union said in its commentary of the shocking video. 

The NYPD did not immediately respond to inquiries about where and when the video was filmed, or why the officers had been called to the scene. 

The video spread like wildfire on Twitter, where some ex-officers said it was exemplary of the reason they retired.

‘This is why I retired. I couldn’t protect the younger officers anymore . Feel so bad for them,’ said one former officer. 

‘Why is this acceptable? No consequences. Could not promote this job to love ones,’ said another.   

‘How can this be allowed? 

‘What a shame our country is going to,’ another quipped. 

‘This video is abhorrent and is indicative of the kind of harassment law enforcement officers receive on a daily basis. 

‘Verbal harassment of police officers in nothing new, but it has become more common and more venomous in the last several years as American law enforcement is vilified in the media and by activists and politicians who wrongly claim police officers are a danger to their communities,’ Sergeant Betsy Brantner-Smith, spokeswoman for the National Police Association, told 

The two officers retreated to their vehicle after giving the man a ticket

The two officers retreated to their vehicle after giving the man a ticket

Crime in New York City, and all over the country, is skyrocketing

Crime in New York City, and all over the country, is skyrocketing 

She added that it explains why there is such a recruiting crisis in the US. 

‘We have both a recruiting and retention problem for law enforcement here in the US, and it’s becoming a crisis. 

‘NYPD is experiencing record retirements and exits before officers even become eligible to receive retirement benefits. 

‘LAPD just disbanded their Animal Cruelty unit and reduced their Homeless Outreach unit by 80%.

‘Seattle PD staffing is at a 30 year low, and they have about half of the specially trained detectives they had 2 years ago, affected their ability to investigate serious crimes like rape. I could go on and on.

‘The Defund the Police movement, the vilification of law enforcement and pro-criminal “criminal justice reform” have made our communities much less safe and the police profession dangerously understaffed,’ Sgt. Brantner-Smith added.

The NYPD’s leaders have repeatedly spoken out against the new Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and his woke policies, which deter prosecutors and judges from keeping criminals behind bars. 

It is part of a wider, worrying trend of rising crime in America. In San Francisco and Los Angeles, District Attorneys are taking a soft touch on crime and criminals.