
Life on the Moon with footy in Prada spacesuits and floating Scalextric trains

The first settlers on the Moon could be playing football in Prada spacesuits.

They will live in 3D-printed houses, drive Moon buggies with ads on the side and eat artificially-grown steak.

And they will commute in floating Scalextric-style trains. Boffins planning to put a human colony on the space rock have revealed what life could be like.

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It comes after scientists in Italy revealed they have found the first lunar cave which could one day become a Moon base offering shelter from the `harsh surface environment’ and supporting long-term exploration.

Houses could be 3D printed
Houses could be 3D printed

US space agency NASA’s upcoming Artemis III mission plans to land a crew on the Moon’s south polar region with a view to establishing a base camp.

Experts tasked with imagining Moon life said residents could live in 3D-printed houses which – like all equipment, vehicles and clothing – would have to safeguard folk from cancer-causing cosmic rays and extreme temperatures.

Water will be the most important resource
Water will be the most important resource

Matthew Cosby, director of space engineering at Goonhilly Earth Station radiocommunication site in Cornwall, thinks a lunar base would be built in stages similar to the International Space Station.

“The first step would be the basics – power, communications and safe operations to ensure that we can have a sustained human and robotic presence on the Moon,’’ he said.

Once up and running the structure would be assembled with a `mixture of human and robotic’ equipment.

Living quarters would include beds, toilets, laboratories and gyms to stave off bone and muscle wastage astronauts suffer during space travel.

Homes could be built from regolith – Moon soil – which has reflective properties and could act as a shield against incoming radiation particles, heat and space rocks.

Humans will need to be able to grow food on site
Humans will need to be able to grow food on site

Mr Cosby said: “There has been a considerable amount of research into using regolith in the construction of a lunar habitat either by using this as a source of material for a 3D-printed shell or covering a habitat created on Earth and sent to the Moon.’’

Boffins say NASA will avoid taking lots of Earth material – such as bricks and steel trusses – up to the Moon as it would prove very expensive.

Underground living quarters could be a practical solution because it would provide extra cover from the unforgiving environment.

With sufficient protection humans inside would be able to take off their spacesuit – designed for the forthcoming mission by Prada – and walk around in normal clothing similar to space station personnel now.

Astronauts on the International Space Station eat food out of pouches prepared on Earth that are rehydrated and heated.

But as lunar astronauts will spend much longer in space food would need to be grown on site.

A Moon menu could include steak grown from beef cells and plants that could flourish in the soil.

Once the basics are established a colony could be transformed into a bustling Moon city with spaceports, amusements and even football pitches.

There could even be football pitches
There could even be football pitches (stock)

But before Moon life can flourish boffins need to develop one critical resource on the planet – water.

Michelle Hanlon, space law professor at the University of Mississippi, said it was the most important element to ensure man’s survival.

Water can be broken down into its component parts of hydrogen and oxygen.

Oxygen would allow folk to breathe while hydrogen could be used to power instruments and other operating machinery.

NASA’s mission is focused on landing on the Moon’s southern region due to rich reserves of water there frozen as ice.

“The most essential feature for a successful human community on our Moon is water,’’ she said.

“They will need water for themselves and to grow plants they will need to survive.’’