
Wine-maker Gusbourne warns over poor harvest because it hunts for a purchaser

Top shareholder: Lord Ashcroft owns a 67% stake in Gusbourne

Top shareholder: Lord Ashcroft owns a 67% stake in Gusbourne

Gusbourne wine estate has warned of ‘challenging conditions’ in this year’s harvest as it continues to hunt for a buyer.

The English winemaker was effectively put up for sale in July after Conservative peer Lord Ashcroft, who owns a 67 per cent stake, told the board he wants to ‘explore various strategic options for his shareholding’.

It came shortly after sparkling wine rival Chapel Down said it was also considering a sale.

Gusbourne has flagged up concerns after being hit by a ‘persistently wet growing season’. 

It said it would produce ‘significantly less fruit than last year’s bumper harvest’, but insisted it had built up stocks so would not face supply issues. It also said it could raise prices in what will become a rare vintage year.

Boss Jonathan White said: ‘The 2024 harvest will be considerably smaller in quantity, but we expect the wines to still reflect our usual exceptional quality.’


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