
Pregnant mother-of-two, 37, is jailed after inflicting a horrific street crash whereas SIX instances over the drink restrict

A pregnant mother has been jailed for two years after causing a horrific road crash while six times over the drink limit.

Four members of one family were injured – three seriously – when Charlotte Aitken’s Audi veered on to the wrong side of the road and smashed into their car head-on.

A sheriff said it was clear that Aitken had been ‘highly impaired’ by the amount of alcohol she’d taken and she was lucky that no one had been killed.

The mother-of-two, 37, of Cumbernauld, North Lanarkshire, admitted causing serious injury and endangering lives by driving dangerously while over the drink limit.

Airdrie Sheriff Court heard the crash happened in Cumbernauld on February 28 last year.

Charlotte Aitken, 37, of Cumbernauld, North Lanarkshire, admitted causing serious injury and endangering lives by driving dangerously while over the drink limit

Charlotte Aitken, 37, of Cumbernauld, North Lanarkshire, admitted causing serious injury and endangering lives by driving dangerously while over the drink limit

Kevin Morrow, prosecuting, said it involved a Hyundai being driven by a woman whose 13-year-old son was a front seat passenger. Her husband and daughter, aged 21, were in the back seats.

Mr Morrow told the court: ‘The collision happened about 6.30pm when it was dark.

‘The driver behind Aitken saw her cross on to the opposing carriageway. He sounded his horn and flashed his lights to alert her to the oncoming Hyundai.

‘The Hyundai driver saw the accused’s headlights but did not have time to react and the Audi hit them.

‘The accused, who was travelling at between 40 and 50 miles an hour in the 40 miles an hour zone, did not apply her brakes prior to the collision.’

The unconscious Hyundai driver had to be cut free from the wreckage. She suffered a deep cut to her kneecap that required surgery as well as five fractured ribs and a broken wrist.

Her daughter suffered bowel damage and underwent two operations while her husband had fractures to his ribs and breastbone and also underwent bowel surgery.

The couple’s son escaped with bruising but the court heard he has had to attend for cognitive behaviour treatment since the crash.

Mr Morrow said: ‘A passing motorist helped the accused, who was semi-conscious, out of her extensively damaged car.

Airdrie Sheriff’s Court

‘She was taken to hospital for treatment to a leg injury.

‘There was a strong smell of alcohol in her vehicle and she gave a positive breath test.’

Tests showed she had not less than 305mg of alcohol in 100ml of blood – the legal limit is 50mg.

Defence lawyer David Storrie said Aitken, who has two teenage children and is 12 weeks pregnant, accepted full responsibility for the crash, adding: ‘She expresses remorse and shame for putting people’s lives in danger.

‘A social worker says she was distraught when discussing the impact the crash has had on the victims.

‘Since the offence she has taken steps to address her alcohol consumption and completed a 16-week treatment programme as an inpatient.

‘She has reduced her alcohol intake drastically.’

Passing sentence, Sheriff Paul Haran told Aitken her driving had been ‘highly impaired by your consumption of alcohol’.

The sheriff said: ‘Four persons in the other car, including a child, suffered injuries that resulted, in some cases, in multiple surgeries.

‘You are extremely fortunate that this incident did not result in fatalities.

‘I acknowledge that you were at the time in the grip of alcohol dependency and impacted by poor mental health.

‘It’s to your credit that you have taken steps to address the issue. I take account of your personal circumstances and the fact you are expecting another child.

‘However, the level of culpability was high… and I see no alternative to a custodial sentence.’

The sheriff also disqualified Aitken from driving for seven years and ordered her to resit her test.