
Going out with a bang! Heart-warming second household give beloved grandfather an explosive ship off by sending his ashes up into the night time sky on fireworks

This is the heart-warming moment a family send off their beloved grandad by putting his ashes on some fireworks.

Paige Anderson, from Petersfield, gathered with her family at a nearby beach to mark the life of her grandad Tom.

His ashes were stuck onto the fireworks using Vaseline before being set off as the sun was setting over the sea.

Touching footage shows the fireworks rise over the ocean views and lighting up the sky with red and orange tones.

Ms Anderson said: ‘Our whole family was really close to him. We all have so many individual memories with him which is just amazing.

Paige Anderson with her grandad Tom.

Paige Anderson, from Petersfield, (right) gathered with her family at the beach to mark the life of her grandad Tom (left) 

The family sfireworks being set off over the ocean views and lighting up the sky with red and orange tones

Touching footage shows the fireworks rise over the ocean views and lighting up the sky with red and orange tones

‘He used to call me Croc because he used to tell me that crocodiles lived in the bottom of his garden when I was small.’

Always wanting a Viking funeral, the family realised this wasn’t possible and decided this was a fitting substitute. 

Ms Anderson added: ‘He used to say he wanted a Viking burial, which obviously is very illegal now and he liked fireworks so they thought this would be the next best thing.’

‘We looked into doing it with a company, but it was quite pricey, and he was very frugal with his money so would have told us to do it ourselves.’

‘The firework was covered in Vaseline and then dipped in the ashes, so the ashes covered the top of the fireworks.’

‘Only way we could think to do it, and it worked! Extremely meaningful, we all felt like he was there with us, and it was just the most emotional way to say goodbye.’

‘It’s not for everyone but it really is a wonderful send-off.’