
Liz Truss swerves questions on ‘pay £10 to see your GP’ report by attacking BBC

Tory Liz Truss swerved questioning on the ‘pay to see your GP’ report she co-wrote by attacking the BBC.

The Conservative Leadership frontrunner indicated she preferred right-wing GB News during a hustings held by the channel, telling host Alastair Stewart: “It’s not the BBC, you actually get your facts right.”

Ms Truss had been asked about a pamphlet which she co-authored and promoted when she was deputy director of the Reform think tank.

It called for patients to be charged to see their GP and for doctors’ pay to be slashed by 10%, as first reported by TalkTV.

Ms Truss and six others wrote the 40-page report, entitled Back to Black, which also suggested abolishing universal child benefit.

At Friday’s hustings, Mr Stewart said: “A piece that you contributed to back in 2019 Reform about budget considerations has caused…”

Ms Truss cut in, saying: “I think that was 2009, Alastair.”


He replied: “I do beg your pardon, it’s a typo.

“It has caused a bit of a stir.”

Ms Truss laughed and said: “I always thought you had high-quality standards at GB News.”

He insisted: “We do, we do”

But Liz Truss replied: “It’s not the BBC, you actually get your facts right.”

The broadside at the BBC drew loud applause from the audience.

“Ms Truss, enough already,” said Mr Stewart.

“None of this was rehearsed, I promise absolutely.”

Under a section called “Introduce user charges for GPs”, the pamphlet states: “User charges should be introduced and there should be greater reliance upon other health professionals … for treating less serious ailments”.

It claims that such fees “could save the NHS money” and “would lead to a reduction in demand, which would, in turn save the NHS the costs of providing unnecessary services”.

“Reduce the pay of doctors and NHS managers by 10%,” the report continues.

“Abolish universal child benefit. Instead child benefit should be targeted on families on low incomes…

“Remove pensioner gimmicks, such as the winter fuel payment and free TV licences for over-75s…

“Introduce market rates for interest on student loans”.

Ms Truss’s campaign said: “Co-authoring a document does not mean that someone supports every proposal put forward.

“Liz is focused on her bold economic plan to boost growth, cut taxes and put money back into hardworking people’s pockets”.

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