OK! Special: Royals at school

As the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s son Prince Louis excitedly prepares to start school in September, this collector’s edition provides exclusive expert insight into the educational life of members of the Royal Family.

Look back at some of the most memorable “first day at school” photographs, from Prince Charles stepping out of a chauffeur-driven car to Princess Charlotte’s shy wave on her inaugural day at St Thomas’s.

While a young Prince William was being educated at Eton College, not too far away his bride-to-be was studying at Marlborough College. The mag reveals how Kate blossomed at boarding school, and examines how the pair fell in love at the University of St Andrews.

If that wasn’t enough, also pore over the grades our princes and princesses have achieved at school and find out how – reassuringly – not even being a future king can guarantee a set of straight As!

Pick up at your local newsagent for just £5.99 or you can purchase the special edition magazine online now here!

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