Baby girl has more hair than most middle-aged men

A mother has claimed her seven-month-old baby daughter has ‘more hair than most middle-aged men’ — as her George Michael-esque 80s bouffant stops strangers in the street. 

Rachel Ware, 31, a secretary from from Kingsteignton, South Devon, was surprised when Marley Chappell was born with a shock of long, dark hair.

The tot’s locks skim past her shoulders but defy gravity by standing up on end — with mother Rachel quipping they have an ’80s New Romantic vibes’ to it. 

Marley’s hair either sticks up in spikes or a sideways blow dry in a style favoured by Wham! singer George Michael in the 80s. 

The mass of brunette hair causes the secretary to be stopped every time she goes out shopping, with passersby flocking around Marley’s pram to compliment the baby girl on the enormous barnet.

Rachel said: ‘Most middle-aged men are receding and haven’t got much hair — she’s got loads and she’s only seven months old.

Seventh-month-old baby girl Marley Chappell (pictured) was born with a shock of long, dark hair

Rachel Ware, 31, (pictured) a secretary from from Kingsteignton, South Devon, is stopped every time she goes out shopping with her baby girl

Marley’s hair either sticks up in spikes or a sideways blow dry in a style favoured by Wham! singer George Michael (pictured) in the 80s

‘She’s got a half mullet at the back and it’s just wild in the front, I have to tie it up or clip it back otherwise it just hangs down. It’s kind of got 80s New Romantic vibes to it.

 ‘The hair is always going to win in any battle when I try and wash and dry it, you can’t really tame it. I love her hair, it matches her feisty little personality.

‘She gets comments wherever we go.

‘Everyone comments on how much hair she has – random people when we’re out shopping say it, everyone we saw when we went for her doctor’s checks commented as well.

‘They couldn’t believe how much hair she had, it happens the majority of the time I go out with her.

Marley’s mother Rachel said: ‘I love her hair, it matches her feisty little personality’

If it doesn’t cascade in a George Michael do, it sticks up as if it has static electricity

Rachell said: ‘She’s got a half mullet at the back and it’s just wild in the front, I have to tie it up or clip it back otherwise it just hangs down. It’s kind of got 80s New Romantic vibes to it’ 

‘She’ll be 18 months by the time we get married, and she’ll probably have a bob by then’

‘We’re getting married next year. She’ll be 18 months by the time we get married, and she’ll probably have a bob by then.

The mother-of-two says the tot, who was born weighing 7lb 8oz, was born with a full head of hair and after a couple of months it started sticking up.

Regardless of what she does with Marley’s bouffant, including wetting, washing and brushing it – it sticks up in the air.

It seems that Marley follows in the footsteps of both her mother and property developer business owner father Lewis Chappell, 36, who are also blessed in the hair department.

It seems that Marley follows in the footsteps of both her mother and property developer business owner father Lewis Chappell, 36, who are also blessed in the hair department

Rachel said: ‘Marley was born with loads of hair but it obviously wasn’t as long. As she got to two months old it went spiky, you couldn’t flatten it down’

She added: ‘Babies usually lose lots of hair but she didn’t lose any of the top hair, she only lost a tiny ring at the back that’s grown over’

Rachel, who is also mother to two-year-old Theo, said: ‘Both Lewis and I are brunette and have a lot of hair.

‘Marley was born with loads of hair but it obviously wasn’t as long. As she got to two months old it went spiky, you couldn’t flatten it down.

‘It was like she had been on the balloons when it just sticks up, like static electricity.

‘Babies usually lose lots of hair but she didn’t lose any of the top hair, she only lost a tiny ring at the back that’s grown over.

The mother-of-two said her daughter’s hair has a ‘mind of its own’ and was difficult to take care of

She simply washes and combs it in an attempt to tackle the mop of hair. Rachel said: ‘I just give it a good shampoo and comb and we just let it dry naturally’

‘It’s been consistently growing for some time. Her hair is quite thick as well as long, it now reaches her shoulders.

‘She’s got the hair that she was born with that’s growing and then she’s got the new hair that’s growing underneath, which is a lot shorter. It’s a bit of a mullet style at the moment.

‘No matter how much you flatten it down it’s adamant it’s going up, it has a mind of its own.’

There’s no specific routine that Rachel treats Marley’s locks to, aside from washing and combing them.

Rachel said: ‘I just give it a good shampoo and comb and we just let it dry naturally.

‘When she was a lot younger a couple of my friends bought me those massive hair bands but I think there’s a limit on when they can wear them with the amount of hair [they have].

‘They look good on babies that don’t have loads of hair.

‘Then I started buying clips just to clip the fringe back because it got into her eyes and now we’ve opted for a plain hairband just to keep it all back.’

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