James Wade column: Unshakable jetlag and fishing with ‘greedy’ Michael van Gerwen

Everyone always tells you that you need to prepare yourself for some early rising when you have a new baby, but usually it’s because the little one wakes you up, not because you have unshakable jetlag!

I certainly can’t use the excuse of little Alfie, as our interactions are limited to Facetime ‘cooing’ and gurgling (both me) so he can’t be held responsible for the fact that I am wide awake at 5am every morning here in Australia. I have made the classic mistake of succumbing to tiredness when it strikes me, so have only just managed to get my body clock onto local time and avoid sleeping at 7pm and waking at an ungodly hour.

Even though I am thousands of miles away I can hear your jokes – “well it looked like you were half-asleep at the start of your match last week”. I hear you, and I can’t help but agree!

READ MORE: James Wade dashed back from tournament for son’s birth before heading Down Under

Simon Whitlock played well and capitalised on my below-par start. By the time I started moving through the gears, I was already too far behind to be able to recover. I’m not into excuses and Simon was the better player, but I do know that with the benefit of being a little more settled and acclimatised, you will see a different James Wade this Friday.

We are here for three tournaments in total (two in Australia and one in New Zealand) and my goal is to have a right good go at winning one of the remaining two, which will set me in good stead for the TV majors that are coming thick and fast after that.

Thanks to all the fans that are making the effort to watch early on Friday mornings. As always, I appreciate the support and the messages of encouragement on social media – I can imagine it seems strange watching darts at 10am! Having said that, I know that ITV is showing coverage later in the day at a more traditional time.

Who are you backing for this weekend’s New South Wales Darts Masters? Tell us in the comments section below.

Michael van Gerwen caught this whopper after winning the Queensland Darts Masters

While we are here, we are taking advantage of the amazing country, and following his victory at the weekend, I had the pleasure of a fishing trip with Michael Van Gerwen on Sunday. It was a great day out and, not satisfied with top billing the day before, MVG again stole the show with the biggest fish of the expedition as well (just greedy really!).

While I am away, preparations are underway at home for the 501-mile charity car rally when I return. We are going to be visiting Falken Tyre dealers up and down the country, playing darts with their technicians and having fun with them while raising vital funds for Bipolar UK.

We will be leaving signed merchandise, boards, darts, and other goodies at the dealerships so keep an eye on my social media in the next few weeks and I will announce the route and further details (including the car that we have bought for £501 and my plan to make it roadworthy).

Take care,



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