Labour demands Boris Johnson recalls Parliament to tackle energy crisis

Labour has demanded Boris Johnson and the two Tory leadership candidates agree to immediately recall Parliament to tackle the cost-of-living crisis and freeze energy bills.

In letters to the outgoing prime minister, Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak, the party called for MPs to return on Monday, warning that with “households on the brink, we cannot wait to act”.

It comes after Keir Starmer unveiled his £29 billion plan to freeze the energy price cap, piling pressure on Ms Truss and Mr Sunak to do more to help struggling families through a “national emergency”.

The demand for MPs to return two weeks earlier than planned on August 22 also comes ahead of energy regulator Ofgem’s announcement next week of the new energy price cap.

Labour has described it as a “crucial deadline” for government action with “no time to waste” as Brits face “unthinkable choices” about how to pay their bills this winter.

Boris Johnson is currently on holiday in Greece despite calls for action on cost-of-living
Getty Images)

Experts have warned the typical energy bill could surge to around £3,5000 per year in October and exceed £4,000 at the beginning of 2023.

Despite demands for action, Mr Johnson, who is currently on a second summer holiday in Greece, has ruled out any intervention until his successor is in No 10 in September.

In her letter, Labour’s shadow leader of the Commons Thangam Debbonaire said energy bills are “causing endless worry for households and businesses” across the country.

She said: “That is why I am writing to you today to urge you to bring Parliament back early on Monday 22 August so that we can freeze the energy price cap now ahead of winter.”

The Ofgem announcement, she argued, will “send households into a further spiral of worry, pushing them to cut back even further”.

Ms Debbonaire added: “It will create another shock for our economy. With businesses and households on the brink, we cannot wait to act.

“Families deserve a government that is on their side, and is ready to take the action needed now to meet the scale of this national emergency. I urge you to adopt Labour’s plan and take action to freeze the price cap now.”

In order for Parliament to be recalled, the prime minister must make a request to the speaker of the House of Commons, Sir Lindsay Hoyle, who makes the final decision.

MPs were last recalled from the summer recess just last year to debate the evacuation of Kabul, with Mr Starmer then accusing the government of “being silent while Afghanistan collapses”.

Earlier this week, both Ms Truss and Mr Sunak dismissed Labour’s strategy, with the foreign secretary saying she was not in favour of “sticking plaster” solutions to the energy crisis.

Mr Sunak, who is trailing his rival in the contest, called Mr Starmer’s plan a “blunt instrument” that would benefit those who do not need the support.

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