Would Liz Truss be a better Prime Minister than Boris Johnson? Have your say

Foreign Secretary Liz Truss looks all set to win the Conservative leadership contest, tearing ahead of former Chancellor Sunak in a Sky News poll by a whopping 32 percentage points. But will she be an improvement over Boris Johnson?

For some Conservatives, if Truss manages to break fewer laws and spark less anger than her predecessor, she will be a success. However, with prices forecast to rise faster than they have since the Second World War, their voters will be looking for more than just the Margaret Thatcher roleplaying seen so far.

Despite his many faults, Boris Johnson’s political strength came from his own personal brand and ability to shapeshift into any stance his party needed to win an election. This allowed him to secure a big majority and carry out policies, namely Brexit and a hard anti-immigration line, where others had failed.

In contrast, Truss has this week had to defend previously saying that British workers needed to graft more, as well as calling for the public to pay for GP visits in an old policy paper – not the most salt of the earth, woman-of-the-people things to say.

But, considering Boris Johnson’s well-documented litany of mistakes and failures, will she at least be a competent leader? Have your say in the comment section.

Or, are the Conservatives scraping the bottom of the talent barrel? Let us know down below.

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