‘Think of it as a $100-a-month raise!’ CNN ridiculed for pro-Biden op-ed hailing drop in gas prices

CNN has been roundly mocked for a fawning business analysis article on their website, in which the author claimed that motorists should see the recent drop in gas prices like a pay raise.

The White House is trumpeting the reduction in average prices as a cause for celebration: on Friday, the nationwide average was $3.918, down from $4.495 a month ago.

But a year ago, the price was $3.177, meaning that Americans are still substantially worse off.

‘Next time you stop at a gas station, think of it as a $100-a-month tax cut. Or a maybe $100-a-month raise,’ wrote Chris Isidore, a senior writer for CNN Business.

The article, published on Friday, was headlined: ‘America just got a $100-a-month raise’.

Joe Biden is seen on August 16 in the White House. His administration has heralded the fall in gas prices; critics point out that they are significantly higher than when he took office

CNN Business senior writer Chris Isidore has been mocked for celebrating the fall in gas prices

Critics were quick to point out the obvious flaw in the argument.

Congressman Kelly Armstrong of North Dakota said: ‘Gas was $2.39 a gallon when @POTUS took office. It is $3.92 now.

‘Next on @CNN arsonist gets medal for helping fight fire he started.’

‘CNN just makes it so easy for its critics. This is some next level gaslighting,’ said Brian Riedl, an economist at the Manhattan Institute, a conservative think tank.

Mark Lotter, a former communications director for the Trump campaign who now works at the America First Policy Institute, said: ‘Gas still costs, on average, $1.50 more per gallon than it did on January 20, 2021’ – the day Biden took over.

He joked: ‘This spin should be reported as an in-kind contribution to the Democrat Party.’

Immigration lawyer Matthew Kolken pointed out: ‘The average price of gas in New York is still twice as much as it was under Trump.’

Robby Starbuck, a Tennessee former candidate for election to the House in November, said the CNN article was ‘shameless propaganda’.

‘Gas is still insanely expensive Vs. when Trump was President,’ he said.

‘It’s not a tax cut or a raise for Biden to fail slightly less badly. His huge failures are still hurting America.’

And Mike Carey, a Republican congressman for Ohio, said CNN was following the White House in trying to spin the harsh reality.

‘So it’s not just the White House changing definitions & twisting the narrative,’ he said.

‘Americans are still paying far higher gas prices than they should.

‘Unleash American production, fast track energy infrastructure & stop penalizing the industry with overregulation & higher taxes!’

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