Astrology doesn’t just predict your your week ahead – it’ll find the best fitness regime

Fed up with pushing yourself on your Peloton? Find ­meditation mindnumbing? Detest doing downward-facing dog? If you’ve tried a ­multitude of fitness and wellness routines but still not found the right one for you, why not look for the answer in the stars? 

Many of us already use astrology to help navigate our love lives, but also believe our unique astrological profile reveals the best exercise and wellbeing regimes to nurture our physical health, bust stress and boost happiness. 

It’s hardly surprising. Your birthchart is an amazing snapshot that reveals your innate potential, your eccentric quirks and finest qualities, both hidden and expressed. 

Whether you want to restore ­spiritual equilibrium, strengthen your physical core, or simply look your most attractive, the best way, I truly believe, is to match your workout to your star-sign personality. 

Your birth chart is an amazing snapshot that reveals your innate potential. Sarah Bartlett has created a guide to each zodiac sign’s self-care profile

Follow my guide to each zodiac sign’s self-care profile to help get you in sizzling shape for what’s left of the­­ summer… 

ARIES March 21 – April 19 


Dynamic, motivated and competitive, those born in Aries are the first to try out any new adventurous or challenging fitness routines

Dynamic, motivated and competitive, those born in Aries are the first to try out any new adventurous or challenging fitness routines. Physical self-care does wonders for their wilful, courageous spirit, restoring their motivated attitude to life and sense of self-confidence. 

If you’re not already doing regular aerobic exercise, then get out into the fresh air and go jogging or hiking across the open countryside. Why not try out competitive cycling, walking or athletics? All beneficial ways to unleash and replenish your fiery spirit. 

Aries has excess energy to expend, so a daily workout of a fast walk, building up to a sprint run, followed by a soak in the hot tub will invoke all-round equilibrium. 

To nurture your passion for life and restore your love of a challenge, try surfing or rock-climbing. When socialising, wear or carry a stone or two of red carnelian, perhaps as a bracelet or a pendant, to enhance your allure and attract attention. 

Nutrition tip: Add fiery horseradish sauce to your salad or sandwich to boost your energy levels. 

TAURUS April 20 – May 20 


Taureans have a lavish approach to selfcare and can be a tad lazy when it comes to regular exercise 

Sensual, down-toearth and reliable, Taureans have a lavish approach to selfcare. Their love of pampering their body, plus their knowledge of beauty products, means looking after their physical appearance is one of their greatest pleasures. 

Taureans can be a tad lazy when it comes to regular exercise, yet instinctively ‘know’ when it’s time to leave the sofa and head for a walk in the countryside. 

Try to include a weekly exercise routine such as Kum Nye, a Tibetan form of yoga, which is also a total body workout. Nurture your sensuality by delighting in the beauty you see around you. Hug trees and connect with the natural world — and on a fullmoon night, surround your bath with five rose quartz crystals to fill you with seductive charm. 

Nutrition tip: Nurture your often over-indulged digestive system by incorporating mint and thyme in recipes to benefit gut health. 

GEMINI May 21 – June 20 


Geminis are light-hearted and versatile — but boredom can settle in at the speed of light if they have to stick to any specific self-care programme

Known as the eternal butterfly of the zodiac, Geminis are light-hearted and versatile — but boredom can settle in at the speed of light if they have to stick to any specific self-care programme. 

As long as you can pick and choose from an eclectic range of options, your inquisitive, mercurial mind should be satisfied. 

The way to stay true to your Gemini spirit is to live by the maxim ‘anything goes’. Your ­respiratory system would benefit from a daily or weekly workout of tai chi in the open air followed by a yoga sun salutation practice. 

Alternate with gentle jogs in the countryside to free your mind from over-thinking, and some calming breath work to help you feel physically centred. 

Relax by doing some cryptic ­crosswords, or learn a new ­language to nurture your analytical take on life. 

Nutrition tip: Mercury, your ­ruling planet, has an association with calming, satisfying oats, so start the day with a bowl of oatmeal to boost brainpower and cool any nervous energy.

CANCER June 21 – July 22 


Cancers are naturally drawn to looking after ­everyone around them, often at the expense of their own wellbeing

Sensitive and ­nostalgic, Cancers are naturally drawn to looking after ­everyone around them, often at the expense of their own wellbeing. 

Yet Cancers shouldn’t ignore their own needs. Once they start to take more care of themselves, they will begin to see exercise as a dynamic joy that will help them to help others. 

You’re a home bird, so work out with a Peloton, yoga or Pilates app to keep you in shape. 

To be truly happy you need to feel a sense of belonging, whether to family, ancestry, or just yourself and what connects you to the past. Fulfil this need by reading history, mythology, building your family tree, or practising a few ancient arts such as tarot, which will not only give you an intuitive ­connection to the past but also nurture your soul. 

Nutrition tip: Your moon-ruled water sign is prone to fluid ­retention, so add natural diuretics to your diet such as parsley, ­dandelion leaves, cranberries and­­ asparagus. 

LEO July 23 – August 22 


Leos love being the centre of attention then enjoy feeling centre-stage and so love salsa, latino or Zumba classes 

Warm-hearted, theatrical and generous, Leos love being the centre of attention. These big cats care about their image and reputation, and take a great deal of trouble over dress and beauty rituals. 

You don’t like people telling you what to do, so the best self-care tip is just to enjoy whatever makes you feel inspired and joyful. You could opt for a daily workout at the gym to strut your stuff and also improve your holistic fitness. 

To feel centre-stage but also to reaffirm your sense of being ­special, it’s time to get on to the dance floor. Salsa, latino or Zumba classes are great for flexing your well-groomed limbs and toning up your muscles, as well as providing the perfect opportunity to show off your body beautiful to an ­adoring audience. 

Nutrition tip: Boost cardiovascular health with omega 3-rich foods such as sardines, mackerel and salmon, as well as sunflower seeds packed with Vitamin E. 

VIRGO August 23 – Sept 22 


Health-conscious and orderly Virgos delight in learning about all kinds of wellbeing and selfcare practices

Health-conscious and orderly Virgos delight in learning about all kinds of wellbeing and selfcare practices, whether step-ups, press-ups or early ‘get-ups’ in the morning. 

They tend to try out every new diet that comes along, and thrive on precise exercise routines to help them feel in control of their life. A workout for your structured way of life might include a daily warm-up stretching session ­followed by exercise bike and/or weightlifting, either in the gym or at home. 

You often overlook your spiritual side, however, partly because you fear the unknown. To nurture your soulful side study astrology, or read books on manifestation to see if you can make your dreams come true by connecting to the power of the universe. Go for long walks in the countryside to be at one with nature. If you look closely, you’ll see just how orderly the natural world is too. 

Nutrition tip: You are well informed about your dietary needs, so enjoy sticking to organic, locally grown or sustainably sourced food.

LIBRA Sept 23 – Oct 22 


Libras devote time to caring for themselves by looking as beautiful as they can, however that can be for the benefit of other people 

Charming, idealistic and aesthetic, Libras devote time to caring for themselves by looking as beautiful as they can. Often, however, that’s for the ­benefit of other people. 

Maybe it’s time to love yourself for you rather than caring about what others expect. Enjoy who you are — the stylish, elegant, peace-loving romantic who looks amazing just by virtue of being a Libra. For a graceful but effective daily or weekly workout, go to a ballet class. Or for the ultimate Libra balance, try out artistic gymnastics or tightrope walking. 

Nurture that innate aesthetic sense by visiting art galleries, admiring sculpture, architecture and fashion. Play with interior design, or use your brilliant ability to compare, analyse and marry ideas to create your own works of art. Even a doodle a day will ­benefit your inner artist. 

Nutrition tip: Libra rules the ­kidneys, so to flush out toxins and keep your body beautiful, drink at least two litres of mineral water a ­­day.

SCORPIO Oct 23 – Nov 21 


Scorpios are in their element when they approach nutrition, exercise and beauty routines with an ‘all-or-nothing’ attitude

Shrewd, intense and passionate, ­Scorpios are in their element when they approach nutrition, exercise and beauty routines with the ‘all-or-nothing’ attitude they’re famous for. 

With a need to be challenged and to prove themselves, Scorpios enjoy competing against their own rigorous standards, and ­prefer to do so alone rather than in a team. 

So for all-round wellbeing and to revitalise your determined mindset, set your own goal with a ­testing long-distance hike or bike ride. With a passionate libido, sex is the perfect Scorpio workout — but boxing or CrossFit will get your heart pumping too! 

If you’re looking for love, or just want to make a powerful impression, nurture your magnetic aura by carrying with you a piece of mystery-inducing black tourmaline to help you feel empowered. 

Nutrition tip: To keep your gut as healthy as your mind, opt for fermented, probiotic foods such as kimchi, miso, sauerkraut, ­tempeh and kombucha tea. 

SAGITTARIUS Nov 22 – Dec 21 


Sagittarius knows that life’s for celebrating and for taking the odd risk. A daily brisk walk improves flexibility 

Being an eternal optimist, Sagittarius knows that life’s for celebrating and for taking the odd risk. 

As the archer is prone to hip and joint problems, a daily brisk walk will improve ­flexibility and is a simple, spontaneous way to work out without being committed to time or place. 

Unleash your wanderlust spirit and maintain your insightful joie de vivre by travelling as far and as wide as you can. Go horse-riding across wild country to nurture your love of animals and open spaces. Have a day out relaxing in a spa, and another reading ­philosophy. Why not travel to a sacred site to nurture your love of spiritual adventure, or indulge in a bookshop binge to feed your hungry mind? 

Nutrition tip: The archer is associated with the liver, so include sulphur-rich foods to maintain liver health, such as onions, garlic, broccoli, cabbage and kale.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 – Jan 19 


Work out with weight-training, muscle-toning and stretching techniques to keep you looking the business

Stylish, shrewd and determined to achieve their best, goats have a relentless dedication to looking after their body image and making sure they’re physically fit. Work out with weight-training, muscle-toning and stretching techniques to keep you looking the business. 

For overall wellbeing, goats need to nurture not only their immaculate physique but their enterprising spirit by setting themselves practical goals. Why not prioritise one special domestic task every week, such as a day of decluttering the home? 

For something more adventurous, try going on a spontaneous road trip or attend a classical music concert. 

Nutrition tip: Capricorn rules the bones and teeth, so foods with calcium, such as dairy, sardines and dark, leafy greens, should be a regular part of your diet.

AQUARIUS Jan 20 – Feb 18 


Aquarians probably know all there is to know about every new routine under the sun. An unusual workout such as the Brazilian capoiera (a mix of ­martial art and dance) would suit your desire to be different

Independent and well-informed when it comes to self-care, Aquarians probably know all there is to know about every new routine under the sun. 

However, the thought of being tied to a regimented wellness regime triggers the stubborn ­perversity Aquarius is famous for, meaning you’re just as likely to do exactly the opposite and do no exercise at all. 

An unusual workout such as the Brazilian capoiera (a mix of ­martial art and dance) would suit your desire to be different. 

As Aquarians want to make a positive difference to the world, you also need to care about the bit of you that you often overlook: your sacred self. Try nourishing mind, body and soul in one hit. Go ­swimming with dolphins or roam across an unknown landscape with your hiking boots on. 

Nutrition tip: The peripheral circulatory system is associated with Aquarius, so to boost blood vessel health, add cayenne pepper, ­turmeric or ginger to your food. 

PISCES Feb 19 – March 20 


The ultimate dreamer of the zodiac, Pisces is also a bit of a chameleon, and you ‘take on’ the identity of whomever you are with, both mentally and emotionally

The ultimate dreamer of the zodiac, Pisces is also a bit of a chameleon, and you ‘take on’ the identity of whomever you are with, both mentally and emotionally. Your well-being depends on developing some emotional boundaries so you don’t get led astray by what other people think you should do, eat or drink. 

To stay rooted in your body and be more self-aware, opt for a daily yoga workout, and when you have the chance, dance barefoot to feel connected to the earth beneath your Pisces-ruled feet. Try nurturing your escapist self by swimming to music under a starry sky. Cherish and connect to your creative talents by carrying an amethyst, and place it under your pillow for a perfect night of sweet dreams. 

Nutrition tip: Pisces benefits from nutrients in plant foods ­originating in or near the sea, such as seaweed like wakame, nori, arami, kelp, and samphire. 

  • Astrology Self-Care: Live Your Best Life By The Stars by Sarah Bartlett is published by Yellow Kite, £8.99. 
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