‘Follow Labour’s lead and freeze the cap on energy costs to save Brits this winter’

The prospect of inflation rising to more than 18% should be ringing alarm bells across Government.

Without urgent action households across the country face a winter of fear and misery.

Such a high rate of inflation will send prices spiralling, pushing more families into dire straits.

It will be the poorest who will be hit hardest as they spend a greater proportion of their incomes on food and heating.

It is bad enough that we do not have a functioning government which could intervene now, but it is even worse that neither of the contenders to be the next PM have a plan that comes close to addressing the scale of crisis.

The favourite, Liz Truss, believes tax cuts are the answer – even though her proposal would leave the poorest families just 76p better off while benefiting the wealthiest by £93 a month.

The Tories should follow Labour’s lead and freeze the cap on energy costs.

This would protect people from punitive bill rises and help bring down inflation.

The two Tory leadership hopefuls should follow Labour’s lead the Mirror says
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Standards dive

Swimming legends Ellie Simmonds and Adam Peaty are right to be concerned about the future of their sport.

In the last three years more than 65 public swimming pools have closed.

And there are fears hundreds more could close as councils will not be able to afford the heating bills.

The lack of facilities is one of the reasons why one in four children cannot swim by the time they leave primary school. Campaigners fear this could rise to six in 10.

Swimming is not the only sport under threat.

Since the Conservatives came to power in 2010 more than 1,000 council football pitches and sports fields have been lost and more than 600 youth centres closed.

This is bad for the nation’s health and its future sporting success.

Speedo Athletes Adam Peaty and Ellie Simmonds and Michael Gunning, competitive Jamaican Swimmer

Cryfts winner

Dogs are so pleased to see their owners they cry with happiness, say scientists.

Our Cocker-hoop four-legged friends obviously need a Boxer tissues.

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