Video shows dad rage at Elizabeth Warren over loan forgiveness after he paid for daughter’s school

Recently resurfaced video shows a frustrated father raging at Elizabeth Warren over the politician’s loan forgiveness aspirations during an event in 2020, after he paid his daughter’s way through school but was told he would not be entitled to a refund.

The heated confrontation transpired in Iowa during Warren’s ill-fated run for president, which saw her vow to cancel student loan debt up to $50,000 for roughly 42 million borrowers if elected.

In the clip, the furious dad rips into Warren over the prospective policy, citing how he worked two jobs to pay for his daughter’s education, while those who did not take such measures would serve to benefit from the progressive’s prospective policy.

Now, however, despite the Massachusetts senator’s failure to garner a nomination, that father’s fears have become a reality – with Joe Biden announcing Wednesday he will forgive debt of up to $10,000, making good on a promise made during his own campaign.

The unnamed man in the clip, much like other conservatives wary of loan forgiveness policies, argues that plans to cancel student loan debt would offer an unfair financial disadvantage to those who paid their own college tuition – or those who had already paid off their debt.

Inversely, detractors argue, such plans would also unjustly benefit those who took out astronomical loans so they can spend lavishly during their college years – when they should remain in desperate debt.

The fed-up father offers these sentiments to Warren in the contentious clip, which was widely shared back when the incident occurred and is now making a second run at going viral, as Biden revealed his long-anticipated decision on the issue, after loan payments had been paused since the early days of the pandemic.

Recently resurfaced video shows a frustrated father raging at Elizabeth Warren over the politician’s loan forgiveness aspirations during a political event in Grimes, Iowa, 2020, after he paid his daughter’s way through school but was told he would not be entitled to a refund

The heated confrontation transpired in Iowa during Warren’s ill-fated run for president, which saw her vow to cancel student loan debt up to $50,000 for roughly 42 million borrowers if elected

The video’s reemergence comes as Joe Biden announced Wednesday that he will forgive debt of up to $10,000, making good on a promise made during his own presidential  campaign

‘I just want to ask one question,’ the man says in the clip approaching Warren after a speech to explain his situation. ‘My daughter is getting out of school. I’ve saved all my money. She doesn’t have any student loans.’

He then flat out asks the Democrat: ‘Am I going to get my money back?’ 

Warren, who was filmed listening to the unidentified man’s qualms patiently as a crowd flocked around them, responds: ‘Of course not.’

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