‘We’re entering the eye of a storm and Boris Johnson has abandoned the ship’

It feels like we’re drowning. Our energy bills are through the roof, fuel prices have soared, sewage is flooding our waters, ancient ­diseases are rearing their ugly heads.

All I’m hearing on social media is how we need to stock up on food and water and that something “worse than a ­recession is coming”.

Even Mother Nature is panicking and trees are losing their leaves early.

Have we ever had it this bad?

Normally I look forward to the start of autumn but the dread of chilly mornings giving way to frost and ice and being unable to keep the house warm is already making my blood run cold.

The whole situation is anxiety-inducing – and I’m used to living life on the edge.

My parents came to this country with nothing. My father lived through floods and famine, arriving here as a student.

Energy bills are through the roof
Getty Images)

He took a Saturday job in menswear shop Burton and my mum would tell me how they would do their shopping in Morrisons for £2 a week.

“We were poor but happy,” she would tell me. Both are now sadly departed but I know what they would say about this current calamity.

They would be astonished at the thought that in such a developed, rich country as Britain in 2022, huge swathes of people are now facing the possibility of not being able to heat their homes or buy food.

Mothers have already said they have stopped eating proper meals so they have enough to feed their children.

Cost of Living

Our Cost of Living team of experts are here to help YOU through a very difficult year.

They’ll be bringing you the latest money news stories and also providing specialist advice.

Whether it’s rocketing energy bills, the cost of the weekly shop or increased taxes, our team will be with you all the way.

Every Thursday at 1pm they will take part in a Facebook Live event to answer your questions and offer their advice. Visit facebook.com/dailymirror/live to watch. You can read more about our team of experts here.

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Don’t insult us by telling us to “tighten our belts” when energy bills are going up to £6,000 per year. It sounds like a sick joke but it’s only the billionaire bosses who are laughing… all the way to the bank.

This crisis is about greed and ­selfishness and mismanagement.

On that note, where is our Prime Minister? Oh yes, prancing about on numerous holidays.

I know we washed our hands of Boris Johnson but technically he is still our leader and like the rat he is, he has ­abandoned this sinking ship, leaving us rudderless and all at sea.

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