Raging carboot salesman uses anti-tank defences to keep Travellers off his land

A furious landowner has gone all out to defend his property from Travellers who he fears may be eyeing it up as a place to stay.

Businessman Mark Greenfield runs car boot events from his field in Gillingham, Kent and has installed no fewer than four massive anti-tank boulders, each weighing about a ton, as well as a hiring a security guard.

Mark has suddenly ramped up defence on his land after around 30 vehicles were spotted in a nearby recreation ground.

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New chain locks have also been fitted to his gate which has two cars parked up behind as a further layer of security.

Mark isn’t leaving anything to chance
(Image: KMG / SWNS)

Mark said: “I am trying to stop them getting on the field. I do not want them on here. I have had to go to extremes and I would go to more if I had to.

“I think I have gone a long way to stop them. I have put my defences up. I do not want them to ruin my business or ruin the boot fair for all the traders and public who come to them.

“It is costing me money to get them out. I am out here everyday. I cannot relax really. It is stressful, I have a double weekend this weekend which would not go ahead if they get on here.”

Mark had 20 caravans evicted from his land last month
(Image: KMG / SWNS)

In July members of the travelling community broke into Mr Greenfield’s field to pitch up around 20 caravans, but they were gone after just three days following a section 61 being issued.

The notice gives police the power to tell an encampment to leave once certain conditions are met.

But despite staying in place for three months the order is only issued to those present at the time and does not cover other groups that may turn up.

Mark hopes his car boot sales can go ahead as planned this weekend
(Image: KMG / SWNS)

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The businessman was worried the community might derail his popular car boot fair because the order would not apply to them.

Though he’s excited for a busy weekend at the boot fair on Sunday and Monday, he is not letting down his defences.

Ian Gilmore, Medway Council’s head of regulatory services, said: “We are following a civil legal process to move the group on.”


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