Three Indian women at center of racist attack say realtor hit one of them before being arrested

The women who reported a racist attack outside a restaurant in Texas say the woman who confronted them claimed she ‘hated Indians’ and even started physically assaulting one of them.

Realtor Esmeralda Upton, 58, flew into a rage after she came across the group of four Indian women outside the Sixty Vines wine bar in Plano, Texas on Wednesday night. 

Rani Banerjee, Bidisha Rudra and Sabori Saha say they had all just finished dinner when the now-viral confrontation took place. 

‘I hate these f****** Indians,’ Upton says at one point, calling them ‘f****** curry-a** b****es.’

Banerjee told WFAA the threats weren’t just with words: ‘What was so very scary is she came very close and not only verbally assaulted us but started physically assaulting us. She started hitting me’. 

Rani Banerjee (left), Bidisha Rudra (right) and Sabori Saha (center) say they had all just finished dinner when the now-viral confrontation took place

Banerjee told WFAA the threats weren’t just with words: ‘What was so very scary is she came very close and not only verbally assaulted us but started physically assaulting us. She started hitting me’

Esmeralda Upton, 58, is seen in the viral video hurling abuse at a group of Indian women

At one point Upton launches herself at the women, hitting them and attempting to grab their phones

Upton yells at them to ‘stop filming’ – while continuing to scream racial abuse

‘I hate these f****** Indians,’ Upton says at one point, calling them ‘f****** curry-ass** b****es’

She added that she immediately started recording her and that she and her friends were ‘terrified’, while Rudra added that they were ‘extremely humiliated that could have happened in a place like this’. 

Saha claimed that Upton responded to the video by saying ‘stop recording or else I’m going to shoot your head off’.  

Rudra said that Upton, who identified herself as Mexican-American, told them to ‘go back where you came from’.  

Upton was charged with assault and making terroristic threats, and is currently being held on a $10,000 bond. 

Rani Banerjee previously said she has lived in the Dallas area for 29 years and ‘never have I felt so humiliated, threatened, and scared for my life.’ 

The women and a fourth friend were confronted outside the Sixty Vines wine bar in Plano, Texas on Wednesday night

Rudra said that Upton, who identified herself as Mexican-American, told them to ‘go back where you came from’

Banerjee wants ‘to see justice served’ and ‘to make sure she has the right consequences’ when it comes to Upton.  

She added: ‘Can’t believe this is what America has become.’

Authorities in Plano are investigating this incident as a possible hate crime and Upton may face more charges.

It’s unclear why Upton began yelling at the women.  

‘If things were so great in your country, why did you come here?’ Upton says.

One of the women calls the police, as Upton lunges at another, grabbing her phone and attempting to rip it from her hands.

She tells the police they were being attacked by a white woman in a black dress. 

‘No, I’m not white – I’m Mexican. And I paid my f****** way here,’ Upton retorts.

‘These f****** Indians, they come to America because they want a better life.

‘I hate these f****** Indians. I’m a Mexican-American. I was born here. Were you born here? The way you speak. 

‘Everywhere I f****** go, you Indians are f****** everywhere.’

One of the women tells Upton she is a naturalized citizen, which Upton then mocks. 

‘You’re a naturalized citizen – you are not a born and raised American,’ she says. 

Upton syas in the video that she ‘hates Indians’

The four women are terrified when Upton reaches into her bag, urging the police to hurry

Eventually the police do arrive, and Upton is arrested

At one point during the five-minute encounter, Upton, seemingly realizing she has made a mistake, says: ‘M’am, I am sorry. You know what, peace.’ 

The women refuse to shake her hand, so she replies: ‘Well – you know what, f*** you.’

As one of the women remains on the phone to the police, growing increasingly alarmed and urging them to hurry, Upton says: ‘I’m not going to hurt you guys. Look at me, I am all of 100lbs. And you guys weigh well over 200lbs.’

She then lunges again at the women, screaming: ‘Stop filming me or I will break your f****** camera.’

The terrified woman on the phone to police says: ‘Oh my God, she’s reaching into her bag. Please come here quickly!’

Police eventually arrived and Upton was arrested.

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