Burning Man partiers battered by sandstorm that threatens to ruin final day of Nevada festival

Burning Man partiers were battered by a huge sandstorm over the weekend that threatened to ruin the finale of nine-day-long Nevada festival as hundreds leave early to escape the dust while others strip off in 102F heat.

The dust storm hit the Black Rock Desert in Nevada, where it’s been held since the early 1990s, on Saturday just before the main Burning Man event on Sunday — igniting the wooden ‘man’ effigy. 

The week-long festival has long been a tradition, frequented by scantily-clad individuals looking to let loose and soak in the event’s characteristically psychedelic atmosphere. 

Burning Man’s official handle tweeted that the desert area, known as the ‘playa,’ was experiencing ‘whiteout conditions.’ 

For a short time, the main gate was closed in both directions due to the conditions and festival goers were urged not to drive because vehicles were becoming stranded and lost on the playa. 

The official Burning Man’s official webcam showed how visibility was virtually nonexistent as others on social media reported that the dust was thick enough to block out the sun. 

The intense dust conditions mixed with the scorching heat as daytime highs hit triple digits was enough to steer some festival goers to leave early, while others said the conditions are just part of the experience. 

The dust storm hit the Black Rock Desert in Nevada, where it’s been held since the early 1990s, on Saturday just before the main Burning Man event – igniting the wooden ‘man’ effigy

One woman poses amid the dust storm – which made visibility at the festival very poor over the weekend. Some festivalgoers left early to avoid the storm, while others braved it out and enjoyed the finale

The desert area, known as the ‘playa,’ was experiencing ‘whiteout conditions’ according to the event’s handle – as photos show bikes and people covered with dust 

On the final day of Burning Man, a layer of dust covered the festival area from a dust storm that swept through

The weeklong festival has long been a tradition, frequented by scantily-clad individuals looking to let loose

A partial whiteout from s dust storm happened on Saturday with gusting winds 

Halted in 2020 due to concerns about COVID, the festival returned in full force late last month, with nearly 80,000 flocking to the makeshift venue late last month to celebrate the event’s triumphant return, as everyone waits for the giant ‘man’ structure to be lit up at the party’s end. 

Tons of free spirits braved the extreme heat to take part in day six of Burning Man Friday following the festival’s two-year hiatus, despite the hot temperatures in the scorching Nevada desert.

Erecting a temporary desert metropolis rife with art and self-expression, festival goers were photographed Friday parading their flashy cars and bikes under the hot Nevada sun – with colorful installations that encouraged people to stare into the sky as it turned dark.

Once again, the attendees are to brave oppressive heat, as the National Weather Service predicted daytime highs in Gerlach, the closest town to the event, between 100 and 105 degrees, according to SF Gate.

Organizers, meanwhile, have been seen handing revelers free coffee, following a surprising announcement that the costs of the beverages would be waived as Americans battle unprecedented inflation and looming economic uncertainty.

Karlie Kloss posted this photo to Instagram of herself with Kaia Gerber at Burning Man

On the itinerary for revelers was a slew of scheduled parties where so-called Burners had the chance to socialize, enjoy some tunes and, of course, indulge in alcohol, as well as enjoy performances of a wide range of music, including, Latin, jazz, 80s pop, and disco.

For those seeking something a little calmer, more meditative amenities were also offered, including a hammock forest, a hypnotherapy session, and communal peppermint bomb breath work exercises.

And for those who want to expand their mind, Burning Man will also offer several educational sessions on topics like the intersection of artificial intelligence and astronomy, as well as the use of psychedelics in surgeries.

Also new this year is a camp on The Playa called Consensual Abduction, where guests can climb through a ‘wormhole’ slide to arrive at a dance floor for all-night raves.

Consent is a major theme of this year’s event, the Gate reports — a crucial component given that so many of the experiences on this year’s schedule involve sex, from after-hour orgies and flogging to black-light bondage.

The event will wrap up on Sunday with the burning of an effigy, known as the burning man, which has served as the traditional way to close the event since its inaugural festival in 1989.

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