Political leaders past and present including SIX ex-Prime Ministers line up at Accession Council

All of Britain’s past and present political leaders are gathered together in one place in a historic moment as Charles III is officially proclaimed King.

The country’s six former Prime Ministers and leaders of the opposition are at the Accession Council at St James’s Palace today to confirm the new King following the death of Queen Elizabeth II on Thursday.

Former Prime Ministers John Major, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, David Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson stood in the front row of the ceremony.

They were joined by former leader of the opposition Ed Miliband who led the Labour Party from 2010 to 2015 and Neil Kinnock, who did the same between 1983 and 1992. Former Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg also joined the Council this morning.

Members of The Royal Family and new Prime Minister Liz Truss are also in attendance, as is current Labour Party leader Keir Starmer. 

The country’s political leaders, old and new, joined in chorus of ‘God Save The King’ to show their support for the new monarch.

Left to right in the front row: Keir Starmer, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Boris Johnson, David Cameron, Theresa May and, far right, John Major. Visible on the far left in the second row are Neil Kinnock and Ed Miliband  

All six Prime Ministers are in attendance at St James’s Palace in a historic moment as Charles III ascends to the throne 

The past and present political leaders attended the Accession Council this morning to proclaim the new King, Charles III

The political leaders, old and new, joined in chorus of ‘God Save The King’ to show their support for the new monarch

Charles automatically became Britain’s new monarch on the death of his mother aged 96 at Balmoral Castle on Thursday afternoon, but the Accession Council – a body of advisers that dates back to the time of the Norman kings – is formally announcing his role today, in a ceremony being televised for the first time. 

Camilla, Queen Consort, William, Prince of Wales and 250 other dignitaries including the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, the Lord Chancellor, the Archbishop of York Stephen Cottrell, the Prime Minister, the Lord Privy Seal, the Lord Great Chamberlain, the Earl Marshal and the Lord President to sign the proclamation at 10am. 

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