Beauty shop bandit steals handbag at Lips to Lashes shop in Sydney

The owner of a beauty shop is furious after her handbag containing $800 for an orphanage in India, was stolen by a callous thief.

The woman was captured on CCTV tip-toeing into Lips to Lashes Beauty in Padstow, southwest Sydney, and sneaking up to the reception desk.

She is seen taking a mentos from a jar on top before reaching around the counter and making off with the designer bag belonging to owner, Gurmeet Kaur.

A woman has been caught on CCTV entering a Padstow beauty shop and stealing a handbag from behind the reception desk

The handbag belonged to the owner of Lips to Lashes Beauty, Gurmeet Kaur (pictured right with husband Addy), who said she didn’t even hear the woman enter her shop

Gurmeet, who was in the room next to the reception desk, said she didn’t even know the woman entered her shop. 

‘I didn’t hear anything… she was walking past, (there was) no one in the front, so she tried her luck,’ she told A Current Affair

‘She came really quietly, took my bag and (was) gone.’  

Gurmeet was with a client at the time and was about to go to lunch when she discovered her bag was gone. 

The bag contained $800 that Guermeet’s husband, Addy, was preparing to send to an orphanage in his home town in India.

Addy donates money to the orphanage every year for his birthday.

The couple are determined to raise the money again but admit it will be ‘hard’. 

That bag also contained Gurmeet’s drivers licence, bank card, medicare card, car keys, house keys and ID. 

‘I was shocked. We are not in a third-world country where law and order is down the gutter,’ Addy said. 

The bag contained Gurmeet’s licence, bank card, medicare card, keys, ID and $800 that her husband Addy was preparing to donate to an orphanage in his home town in India

Gurmeet shared the CCTV footage and images of the thief to her business’s Facebook page in the hopes one of her followers noticed the woman 

Gurmeet shared footage and images of the thief to her business’s Facebook page, where she asked her followers if they’ve seen the woman.

‘This lady casually walks in my salon while I was preparing for my day talking to the client in the room,’ she wrote.

‘She grabs my bag from under the reception desk. She reached out to it even though it was well inside the desk and walks out like no one is watching.’

‘I request everyone to have a closer look at the footage and the photo and if this lady looks familiar to you please report it to police.’ 

Gurmeet added that she believes the woman is a local resident because her clients have told her they’ve seen the woman ‘roaming around in the area’.

Police are still on the look out for the woman.  

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