3 hot shower sex positions including The Caboose – top tips to minimise accidents

Hot steamy sex in a shower may sound like a dream, but if done incorrectly you could land up with soap in your face or even worse: a nasty accident.

Knowing where and how to position your body for the ultimate sexy shower fun will therefore make all the difference.

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Shower sex is a go-to favourite for many lovers.

From two birds, one stone approach providing pleasure while keeping clean to having more privacy, getting frisky in the bathroom can heighten the fun.

If done correctly, sex in the shower could easily be incorporated into your life
(Image: Getty Images)

Whatever your reason, shower sex is a great way to get your sexual needs met and can be easily incorporated into your daily habits.

One added bonus is the quick and easy clean up, and that water is a major turn on for many.

The beauty lies in knowing what to do as many can attest to having experiences that were way more awkward than kinky.

Trying any of these three positions when in the shower can help for ultimate pleasure, minus the associated risks.

The Chairman

For those lucky enough to have a sitting area or seat-shelf in their shower, this should be utilised, say sexperts.

A seated rear-entry position in the shower is one of the more practical positions.

The position is achieved by having the one partner sit on the seat/bench/seat-shelf with their feet on the floor.

The other partner then straddles facing away and takes a seat (like a sexy chairman in a meeting).

This position is great for wandering hands with the speed and strength aided when using the surrounding walls in the shower.

Best of all, any accidental risks are minimised as both are sitting – just make sure what you’re sitting on can hold both your weights.

The Caboose

The bathroom can be a dangerous place particularly when having sexy time
(Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

The Caboose involves sitting on the shower floor and naturally has minimal accident risk.

To do the Caboose, position the shower head so that the water hits both.

One partner then sits in front placing their hips until they’re sitting on top.

Captain Morgan

The position is done by having both partners facing each other.

The receiver then lifts one leg up and rests it on either the edge of a shelf or bench.

The other partner then enters from the front.

If there is no bench the other partner can hold the receiver’s raised leg for added thrust power.

Safety first

Shower sex could go horribly wrong if care is not taken.

Top tips to help reduce your chance of accidents include:

  • Prepare first
  • Have a non-slip surface
  • Get into action only once both are turned on
  • Have a designated safe area or foot stand
  • Be mindful of where you are putting certain body parts
  • Use the right angling of the shower head
  • Use soap but be careful where you put it.


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