Activist Peter Tatchell arrested in Qatar ahead of World Cup after public LGBT+ protest

A man has been arrested in Qatar after holding the first ever public protest for LGBT+ rights in the Gulf region.

Peter Tatchell – an LGBT and human rights campaigner – was arrested outside the National Museum of Qatar in Doha during a one-man protest against the country’s criminalisation of LGBT+ people.

The arrest comes just 26 days before the Middle Eastern state is set to host the World Cup.

The activist’s spokespeople said the arrest is “proof” that the country is “sportwashing” in order to “enhance its image on the international stage”.

Mr Tatchell was arrested while holding a placard supporting Qatari LGBT+ people who live under one of the most repressive regimes in the world.

Both male and female homosexuality is illegal in the country, with sentences that can include three years jail or even death by stoning.

LGBT+ and human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell was arrested in Qatar today

His placard read: “Qatar arrests, jails & subjects LGBTs to ‘conversion’.”

He wore a t-shirt with the hashtag: #QatarAntiGay

The current whereabouts of Mr Tatchell are unknown.

Speaking from Qatar shortly before his protest, Peter Tatchell said: “There can be no normal sporting relations with an abnormal regime like Qatar. It is a homophobic, sexist and racist dictatorship.

Tatchell leads an LGBT protest march in June 2020

“Qatar cannot be allowed to sportswash its reputation. It is using the World Cup to enhance its international image. We must ensure that the tyrant regime in Doha does not score a PR victory.

“I did this protest to shine a light on Qatar’s human rights abuses against LGBT+ people, women, migrant workers and liberal Qataris. I am supporting their brave battle against tyranny.

“LGBT+ Qataris face police harassment, online entrapment, ‘honour’ killing, arrest, three years jail and potentially the death penalty. Qatar has secret gay conversion centres where LGBT+ people can be detained and subjected to abusive attempts to turn them straight.

“Women must get permission from a male guardian to marry, work in many government jobs and to study and travel abroad.

The arrest came just 26 days before the World Cup kicks off in Qatar

“Over 6,500 migrant workers have died since Qatar was given the right to host the World Cup. Many families are still waiting for compensation. Migrant workers complain of unpaid wages, overcrowded slum hostels and being refused permission to change jobs.”

Mr Tatchell added: “Despite FIFA saying that discrimination will not be tolerated, if a Qatari footballer came out as gay, he would be more likely to be arrested and jailed than be selected for the national team.

“That’s discrimination and against FIFA’s rules.

The veteran activist runs the Peter Tatchell Foundation

He is seen holding a placard during the Euro Pride parade in London in 2006

“FIFA has failed to secure change in Qatar. There have been no legislative reforms on LGBT+ or women’s rights.

“Improvements for migrant workers have been patchy at best.

“FIFA is letting Qatar evade many of its pledges when it was granted the right to hold the World Cup,” said Mr Tatchell.

Peter Tatchell, aged 70, is Director of the London-based human rights organisation, the Peter Tatchell Foundation.

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Breaking NewsLGBTPeter Tatchell