Dr. Oz Makes A Geography Goof And Twitter Puts Him In His Place

Perhaps Mehmet Oz could use a map ― the GOP nominee for senator in Pennsylvania mistakenly grouped the Keystone State with those bordering the ocean.

In a Fox News interview with Sean Hannity on Monday, the former talk-show doctor declared: “This is important: We do not have a Republican senator north of North Carolina on the Atlantic coast until you get to Maine, if I don’t hold this seat.”

Pennsylvania does not touch the Atlantic Ocean.

It’s a bit of a technicality, but people on Twitter were not willing to overlook it — especially since Oz only began calling Pennsylvania home for his election bid after living in New Jersey, which does have a coastline, for decades. His Democratic opponent, John Fetterman, has assailed him as a carpetbagger.

Oz can now be accused of not being so good at geography, too: